7 Top-Rated EHR Software (2024)


Preksha Buttan

on June 6, 2023

As a healthcare provider, your primary job is to provide quality patient care. Besides, it’s important to focus on administrative tasks such as note-making, patient records management, and charting. You can use an electronic medical record (EMR) management or electronic health record management (EHR) system to avoid mismanagement while multitasking.

Given the wide range of EMR tools available in the market, finding the right tool for your medical practice can be confusing.

To make the search easy for you, here are the seven top-rated EHR software options, in alphabetical order, based on verified software reviews. Read more.

EHR YOUR WAY is a mental health EHR that offers all common features of EHR tools, such as patient intakes, appointment scheduling, and medical billing. The tool’s main focus is on behavioral health and substance abuse. Health professionals can input all the patient data into the system, so if a patient wants to visit a different doctor, a psychiatrist, for instance, both the patient and the psychiatrist can access all the past medical records via the tool.

Product features of interest*:

  • Activity dashboard: Get an overview of patient schedules, payment status, inventory status, and more without switching multiple tabs to get the same information. You can use this feature to get real-time insights about relevant data.

  • HIPAA compliant: Maintain Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance by following regulatory guidelines and safeguarding patient information. This keeps all the patient data safe from unauthorized access, so you don’t have to bear any legal charges.

  • Patient records management: Manage patient records by organizing and storing them in a centralized repository. This way, you’ll be able to access any patient’s information simply by searching for it in your repository.

Starting price:

Available upon request from the vendor.

Customer support options:

Chat, email, and phone calls.

Who should consider EHR YOUR WAY?

EHR YOUR WAY could be your electronic medical records management tool if your medical clinic serves patients with behavioral issues. You can use this tool to conduct group therapy sessions and take digital notes using customizable templates that allow you to add drop-down menus, fix fields, and auto-save options.

*Analysis accurate as of May 2023


4.86 out of 5 stars

368 reviews

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2. iCare

iCare enhances scheduling and resource allocation for multi-facility healthcare organizations. Compared to other EMR tools, iCare leverages machine learning to analyze structured and unstructured patient data to provide insights into the clinical and financial aspects of healthcare operations. You can use this data to improve the quality of treatment offered and administrative operations.

Product features of interest*:

  • One-click charting: Create and update real-time patient records, including patients' medical history, current symptoms, test results, and treatment plans, in a digital format. This saves time and minimizes documentation errors.

  • Quick labs: Access patients’ lab results in one click rather than going through multiple screens or navigating complex menus. This allows you to make quick, informed decisions and improve patient treatment outcomes.

  • Configurable workflows: Customize and improve clinical workflows based on specific business requirements. This feature enables you to set up protocols for patient care, automate repetitive tasks, and assign tasks to team members to balance the workload.

Starting price:

Available upon request from the vendor.

Customer support options:

Chat, email, and phone.

Who should consider iCare?

You should consider iCare EMR if your medical practice is focused on providing personalized medicine and treatments based on individual patient characteristics. The tool leverages built-in big data analytics and machine learning capabilities to analyze patient information, history, and current symptoms and develops tailored care plans, leading to improved healthcare outcomes and patient satisfaction.

*Analysis accurate as of May 2023


4.9 out of 5 stars

21 reviews

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Pro tip

Analyze the EMR tool’s built-in communication features, such as real-time chat or audio/video conferencing, to simplify communication between health professionals and patients. This will you provide better patient care and smoothen management process.

Jane is a comprehensive suite of tools for managing patient data, scheduling appointments, billing, and more. It offers a built-in dashboard for patients to view and choose your services. One of the key differentiators of Jane is its flexibility, as it can be used on multiple devices’ browsers, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Product features of interest*:

  • Email notifications: Send booking confirmations to patients via email. You can set reminders to be sent 24 hours or 48 hours before the appointment to reduce the chances of forgotten or missed appointments.

  • Smart charting: Create charts by selecting elements (buttons, sliders, checkboxes, etc.) from a list. This helps reduce the time spent on completing a chart and allows you to share it with the patient and other stakeholders.

  • Products and inventory management: Sell and keep track of retail or therapeutic items, including vitamins, ice packs, and exercise equipment. This feature also allows you to track tax on all purchased items.

Starting price:

$79 per month.

Customer support options:

Chat, email, and phone calls.

Who should consider Jane?

Since Jane is a comprehensive suite, it can be used by healthcare providers in various specialties and practice sizes. This includes small and multi-disciplinary clinics and even stand-alone mental health practices. Moreover, since Jane is a web-based platform, you can log into your account from any device and location to access patient information or complete their pending charts.

*Analysis accurate as of May 2023


4.82 out of 5 stars

359 reviews

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4. Medesk

As compared to traditional paper-based patient record management, Medesk focuses on going paperless. It stores data digitally, reducing the chances of losing physically-stored data. You can create and store multiple documents such as test results, consultation notes, completed questionnaires, bills, and more within the system to have quick access to all the patient-related information at all times. Moreover, Medesk supports integration with the laboratory, allowing you to send test requests and receive reports quickly.

Product features of interest*:

  • Clinic performance analytics: Choose from 40 different ready-made reports to understand your clinic’s performance. These reports include patient demographics, revenue, lab reports, turnaround time, and more. You can convert these insights into visuals for easier understanding.

  • Bulk SMS: Send bulk messages to a selected group of patients (for example, patients who avail of the same services). This feature enhances communication, helping you to quickly update patients about upcoming offers and changes in your services.

  • Data security: Protect patients’ sensitive information from unauthorized access using options such as encryption, access control, and cloud storage. This secures patient data and helps you stay compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Starting price:

$14 per month.

Customer support options:

Chat, email, and phone calls.

Who should consider Medesk?

You can go for Medesk if you have a laboratory and a medical clinic. Since tests are crucial to confirm many diagnoses, having a lab fastens the process. You can integrate your lab operations with this EMR solution to simplify sending, receiving, and recording test results. You can also record lab expenses and revenue separate from that of your clinic.

*Analysis accurate as of May 2023


4.65 out of 5 stars

102 reviews

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Pro tip

Evaluate integration options with multiple payment gateways, especially if you provide virtual appointments. This will ensure efficient payment processing and will also secure patients’ personal and financial details.

From noting a patient’s symptoms to writing a prescription, healthcare professionals often have to spend much time writing detailed notes. Unlike other EMR tools we’ve seen so far, PhraseExpander speeds up the process of note-writing using features such as auto-complete abbreviated words, convert form fields into complete sentences, and auto-correct misspelled words.

Product features of interest*:

  • Smart complete: Store frequently used medical phrases, such as symptoms, names of illnesses, and medicines in an abbreviated format. Whenever you type these abbreviations, the tool will show suggestions to spot the correct term, you can then hit the Shift key to auto-complete it.

  • Template management: Create and store multiple reports using customizable templates that you can organize in groups of similar elements. You can then assign unique abbreviations to each and easily locate them later.

  • Autocorrect: Automatically correct words misspelled while typing. The tool comes with a library of common misspellings in multiple languages that you can download so that it can find the misspelled word and replace it with the correct one.

Starting price:

$180 per user (one time).

Customer support options:

Chat, email, and phone.

Who should consider PhraseExpander?

Clinics and healthcare professionals with high patient footfall can benefit from PhraseExpander. You can use this tool to speedily write error-free and detailed notes about patient symptoms and prescriptions. This will spare time, allowing you to attend to more patients daily.

*Analysis accurate as of May 2023


4.82 out of 5 stars

137 reviews

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6. Praxis EMR

Praxis EMR automates e-prescribing, lab integration, workflow creation, and report generation using artificial intelligence. Its unique “concept processing” functionality uses AI to analyze patients’ historical data to identify the types of patients you mostly deal with. Whenever you consult a new patient, it leverages AI analysis to present the closest previous encounter and instantly generates that patient’s diagnosis, instructions, procedure reports, etc.

Product features of interest*:

  • Template-free charting: Use notes from similar past cases to determine the course of action for the current case at hand. With the use of AI, the tool will automatically locate past cases and help complete your chart within seconds, saving your time and effort.

  • Billing: Integrate the tool with your current billing software to manage invoices, claim tracking, and generate financial reports. This integration will ensure that all your current billing information remains secure against data loss and unauthorized transfer.

  • Patient portal: Provide patients with a dashboard that they can access to view their data. This tool automatically updates patients' records based on the latest charts created by healthcare professionals, offering patients real-time information and improving their overall experience.

Starting price:

Available upon request from the vendor.

Customer support options:

Chat, email, and phone calls.

Who should consider Praxis EMR?

Praxis is for all healthcare professionals who want to integrate AI with their practices. This tool can benefit medical practices that have hired junior healthcare professionals currently in their learning phase. They can leverage the tool’s concept processing functionality to understand the case they are dealing with and the correct course of treatment to follow. This method will also allow senior healthcare professionals to save time and focus their energy on more complicated cases.

*Analysis accurate as of May 2023

Praxis EMR

4.98 out of 5 stars

190 reviews

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Pro tip

Evaluate AI features, such as Natural Language Processing and image recognition, that will speed up documentation tasks and automatically analyze medical images, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs.

Unlike other EHR tools, Sevocity is a customizable solution. You can get the features and functionality of this EHR solution altered per your medical practice's specific needs. Common EHR features, such as e-prescribing, charting, patient records management, and billing are also a part of this tool.

Product features of interest*:

  • HIPAA compliance: Adhere to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations by ensuring the safety of sensitive patient information. You can safeguard data by adopting safety measures, such as encryption, access control, and employee training.

  • Patient history: Record patients’ medical history, including past illnesses, diagnoses, procedures, and other relevant information. Having a patient’s history in chronological order will enable you to make informed future treatment plans.

  • Patient portal: Provide patients with secure online access to their health records, test results, appointment schedules, and more. This lets your patients view their information anytime, increasing their overall experience.

Starting price:

Available upon request from the vendor.

Customer support options:

Chat, email, and phone calls.

Who should consider Sevocity?

You can consider Sevocity if you’re a healthcare provider offering specialized services. The tool has interfaces for various specialties, including colorectal, endocrinology, physical medicine, and substance abuse. If your specialty is not on the list, you can still reach out to the team to get a custom-made EHR tool for your business.

*Analysis accurate as of May 2023


4.49 out of 5 stars

176 reviews

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How much does EMR software cost?

An EMR solution can cost as low as $12 per user, per month, all the way up to $149+ per month, depending on various factors—features, number of users, infrastructure requirements, business size/type, training availability, deployment options, integrations, and storage. Most EMR solutions typically include the following pricing plans based on the number of users:

  • Free trial: No-cost trial plans, starting from 21 days, gives access to either all or limited features of the software. This is ideal for those who want to try the tool before investing in it.

  • Free version: Free software plans offer basic features and limited premium feature access, ideal for small businesses or individuals with a limited budget.

  • Entry-level: Starts at $12 per month and offers limited features; good option for small clinics who need basic features, such as patient scheduling and document storage.

  • Mid-tier: Mid-range pricing for EMR software ranges from $30 to $70 per month and offers advanced features, such as smart charting and a patient portal. This plan can be suitable for those who have outgrown basic EMR needs and require only some advanced features.

  • High-end: Advanced plans offer unlimited users, maximum document storage space, unlimited audio or video consultation, and priority support. This is appropriate for large or multi-specialty clinics.

Hidden costs associated with EMR software

Besides the software license itself, there may be additional costs associated with EMR tools that’ll have to bear as you install and use the tool over time. These costs include installation charges, training costs, the cost to integrate the tool with more payment gateways, and to increase the number of users.

These are some common questions you can ask EMR software vendors:

  • Does your software offer an online portal to increase patient engagement?

An ideal EHR software solution should provide a patient portal that offers online chat functionality to help patients get real-time consultations from physicians. It should also include a dashboard to help them view their medical reports. Such features help medical practitioners to increase patient engagement.

  • Is your software HIPAA compliant?

The EHR system you shortlist for your healthcare organization should comply with HIPAA regulations to offer a secure environment for storing and managing patient records. You can check the availability of features such as data encryption, access rights management, and audit trails to see the data protection capabilities of the tool. This will help prevent potential legal and financial consequences from non-compliance with the mentioned act.

  • Do you provide staff training sessions?

Since the EMR solution will have multiple users (nurses, physicians, lab assistants, etc.), it’s important to ensure they are well-versed with the tool. Hands-on training from the software vendor will allow all the users to work comfortably and enhance productivity with the tool.


To be considered for this list, products had to:

  • Feature in Software Advice FrontRunners report 2023 for EMR software. We selected the top seven products with the highest ratings to include in this article.

  • Include charting, coding assistance, and decision support as core features.

  • Meet our EMR software market definition: “EMR/EHR software automates the clinical operations of healthcare providers. It allows medical professionals to create, store, update and share digital patient charts, histories, medications, test results, and more.”

* Our research team identified these features from vendor websites (as of May 3, 2023) based on their analysis of what users find valuable in or expect from EHR software. This list is not exhaustive. For additional features, refer to the vendor's website.

We select and rank products based on an objective methodology developed by our research team. While some vendors may pay us when they receive web traffic or leads, this has no influence on our methodology.

Products evaluated for the pricing calculation were taken from Software Advice’s EMR software directory. The pricing range excludes freemium versions of the products. The features highlighted were identified based on their relevance and the percentage of products in the Software Advice directory that offer them.

7 Top-Rated EHR Software (2024)


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