CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip : CNNW : August 14, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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up for disney plus to me feels very different than the website itself will see what the judge says you are going to the website and it is on there. >> do they not bear responsibility for that to a degree? >> yes. so i mean, it all comes down to the fine print. >> right. this is why lawyers do fine print. and these companies really want to be in arbitration, not in court. and that's what this is. right. because arbitration is cheaper for these companies. they don't have the risk of some jury verdict hammering them for hundreds of millions of dollars. and importantly, if you're in court, it's public. i mean, we cover proceedings all the time. if you're arbitration that she generally private, so it's one thing to me when one corporation, what if disney had a contract with co*ke and they agreed we're going to arbitrate. that's going to be upheld. but in a situation like this, that's where it's confusing, where you have a powerless individual or the spouse of the person i actually think the plaintiffs are ultimately going to prevail here yeah, there their life is going to be difficult, but i think they're going to win in the end. >> yeah, it's just such horrible story. elie honig, sara fischer, thank you for explaining it to us. thank you all so much for joining us. cnn

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newsnight with abby phillip starts right now tonight. a trump plan. >> we're doing this as a intellectual switcher, all intellectual center thanks to make the economy great again, evades policy and embraces pettiness. >> she's not smart. she's not intelligent plus kamala harris tries to go her own way but joe biden, my policies are working star right in that way. okay? >> let harris break the chain on the economy also wash. we have the biggest grudge ever in the history of politics. >> rinse it there's a coup. this was a coup of a president repeats kamala, you're fired, get out donald trump invites questions. you lose interest, which is not that's something you're used to withdraw by being boring and rfk junior makes an offer that will almost certainly be refused live at

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the table ashley allison, alyssa farah griffin, joe pinion, lauren, right and anthony scaramucci welcome. >> go to a special edition of newsnight, state of the race good evening i'm abby phillip in new york. >> let's get right to what america is talking about letting trump be trump, and why letting trump be trump. maybe a recipe for a republican led down in the fall. the republican nominee had an north carolina audience teed up to hear about the economy. that's an issue that's still tilts toward him. if you look at the polls but what the swing-state crowd actually got was typical trump and only occasionally and on topic trump today, we're going to talk about one subject

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ever, and they will start going back to the other because we sort of loved that dolan. >> they say it's the most important subject i'm not sure it is, but they say it's the most it's important i've got my panelists with me here and in our fifth seed joining us today, catherine rampell, cnn's economic and political commentator, catherine this one was set up just for you because this was supposed to be about the economy and he actually did say quite a few things. >> what did you make of the speech? >> i don't know what i watched to be honest. it was just sort of meandering incoherent ball of lies and numbers pulled out of thin air that's when he remembered to talk about the economy and he had to remind himself several times throughout the speech that he was supposed to be talking about the economy and the teleprompter, right? talking about decided did you go off on a tangent about like tampons or i'm not making these things up. you can look at the transcripts or the, or the speech itself. but what he was talking about, the

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economy, he was just making stuff up. i mean, there are too many things to fact check, but i can go through a few that i jotted down while i was watching it he talked about how there was a war on american energy, which is not true, nearly every form of energy production is at or recently touch a record high oil gas solar, wind battery production, et cetera. he said, bacon prices have gone up four or five times what they used to be not true there, like $1 more than they were when he left office, he talked about deporting immigrants and how that would help with inflation. it would probably raise inflation. he talked about crime going up. crime is actually going down the murder rates are on track this year to be at or below what they were every year of the trump presidency. he talked about where are the jobs in fact, we've had record job growth among other things. so it was just like i don't know if that stuff was in the teleprompter

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or is beeping around in his head somewhere. and it just came out but his mouth, but it was not the most coherent speech. >> well, look i want to go to you, joe, because i know that this is important, right? the economy you think this is the poll, say, this is trump's best issues so yeah, i look, i think again, we can have a very nuanced so macroeconomics conversation in which i probably wouldn't be at this table and we'd have a whole 'nother table of people were not here to talk about macroeconomic. >> we're here to talk about kitchen table finances. and i think if you look at it through that prism, yes, you can critique the numbers of president trump. i don't think that president trump has ever been the person that you want it to be? running the fact checker. but i think if you're talking about an ability to tap into these sentiments that are very much real and very much supported by numbers. i do think that there are real things that americans are feeling know there's not a war on energy in the sense that we're not having higher energy production, but it does feel

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that if you're looking at the policies democrats that's are trying to pass with this new york state, trying to mandate that every school bus become electric, whether it's the fact that we have indian point shutting down the nuclear plants, whether we know for a fact that the institutional memory necessary to bring more nuclear plants online at a time when we need that type production in most or all of that stuff is critical and it's making the american middle-class all of those things are, i mean i hear what you're saying about people's lived experiences, but if there is a war on energy, but all the metrics of energy production, our ability that doesn't make up 30% and people really feel that she prices go why not right? like so there's a real i mean, grocery prices are a conversation that can be never mind what i meant to say was grocery higher they hey, are not i mean, to go back to the old naca max adage. if you put a knife in my back, nine inches and then take it out three

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inches. that is not progress. if you take it out nine inches, even that is not progress. progress is when the wound heals, americans are still wounded and so yes, we can have a very nice conversation about the fact that if you go back to 29 19, or if you compare it to pre pandemic levels i think the bigger issue is it's not that hard to identify what americans are unhappy about. i agree with that, and many are legitimately frustrated, stressed financially strapped the hard part of governing is figuring out what to do about it and trump just has in this speech, i'm going to bring costs down 30%. i'm going to cut gas prices 50%. how i don't know. >> you actually got credit for bringing the price of insulin to $35, which he definitely didn't i mean, there were some of that going on too. >> he had one job. it was to show up and deliver prepared remarks about his economic vision. this was a smaller event. this wasn't a rally type event, but he played to

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what he often does, which is his audience. and when he started to get feedback and you start to get cheers he wants to play the character of donald trump that kamala, you're fired and then the name calling and he goes off script and i don't doubt that there was maybe something presented for him that was a forward-looking economic vision with actual policies, but that wasn't what we heard. but what we did here are some things that actually concerned me. he keeps talking about tariffs as though he also keeps leaning into this trade war with china you are talking about tariffs on american sumers for goods that are imported. that's an amazon tax, that's an attacks on anything that's coming from abroad that you will feel at a time that americans already feel a daily crunch when they're buying their groceries. he's not lying for division. that's going to make things substantially better. well, whereas i actually do agree his first term was very strong economically he's not leaning into that. he's leaning into the donald trump that thinks he needs to be at war with china. >> i guess my question is, okay, we're in a campaign. if joe biden on a president, if he was still in the race, gave a speech that donald trump today, our conversation would be totally different. we'd be talking about is he up to the

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job? what's his cognitive ability what's his character? like? we would be having a totally different conversation, but for some reason, donald trump gets to continue to go up, present himself. not be honest about the facts. say, i guess it's the most important issue. well, is it or isn't it like are you that guy that's going to pick the economy or not? i wonder though when he goes up, there were people in there that chanted and cheered. but how many more are you going to get when you show up like that? always american people are suffering and when you get somebody that comes up onto the stage and pretends like it's a joke and not honest about what is really happening there is people are suffering, people need more money in their pockets. but when donald trump shows up in the way he does, it doesn't actually feel like he's going to be the person that is fighting for you at the end of the day. >> the style you're talking about, this meandering nonsense that's baked in with donald trump on the standards different because he's a celebrity candidate. people don't see him like a former

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president. they see him as a non nontraditional politician and there's a different measuring stick for him and they're always has been, but some of these economic policies would have been good points. look, the tariffs are controversial. joe biden continued the tariffs is harris going to take away the trump tax cuts? they've benefited everyone across all income levels you know, she just going to take away the corporate controversial part, shooting, going to keep the tax breaks for low-income families when you're making $27,000 a year, even a few hundred dollars makes a big indifference. those are popular policies. so the message is there to send. he's not sending. >> also, i dysfunction. i mean, the reality becomes on one day it's president trump has passed a policy you proposed a policy such as removing taxes on tips and all of a sudden people are talking about what will that cost and how does he pay for it? and then a few weeks later, kamala harris let's try out the same thing and all of a sudden she's making a play for voters. so yes, we can have these really nuanced coming. >> i should be fair. >> i wrote a column yesterday

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i'll see yes. thank but i think that's the chest very well. i so i just think again, if one let's just if were upset about the fact that people seem to be deviating from the facts? yes. that is a critical conversation for us to have across the board, whether we're talking about border or whether we're talking about just struck by the level of performance we're really saying this is the best our party can offer as someone who can barely maintain a coherent let me just play this just in case people miss the speech, let me play this is trump going completely off script and starting to focus on kamala harris's laugh for nearly four years, camila has grabbed gold as the american academy has burned, what happened to her left? i haven't heard that laugh at about a week. that's why they keep her off their sake. that's why she's disappeared that's the laugh of a crazy person. i will tell you, you. you haven't gone too crazy

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she's crazy the thing with some of those features you can see him doing it there. >> he's reading part of it right? they say in the speech it seems like it says camila has canceled as the american economy is burn. and then that takes him on completely different path. and this is what is really hurting his campaign right now, right? >> and i would i advise him not tie him up for things like that, knowing how undiscipline he has been for some reason, kamala harris triggers him in a way that hillary clinton didn't. joe biden didn't. she truly gets under his skin. i my theory on it is she's the younger cair candidate. she's the cultural icon and he was always a celebrity figure. she kind of has that cache and she flipped the age narrative on him he can't seem to get passed just a point of personally insulting when it comes to her. and i think it's going to hurt him with the very voters he needs to win, which are suburban women in swing voters. i don't know. he did the same stuff in 2016 to hillary clinton well, this sexist comments, the woman card that this the, that he won. yes.

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>> we assume a lot of comments will kill her as well how many more problems? since 2016 and he's in a better position in the polls right now than he was at this point in 2016. and so i would just caution democrats not to assume that these things are going to kill his campaign because they have not in the past and people seemed very willing to set aside the trumpian stuff and focus on the policy if they feel it's a prosperity message, i agree with you that it did work in 2016. i think a lot has shifted in the last eight years in that hillary clinton had a lot of baggage that she brought with her before she even became the presumptive nominee. some could say kamala harris has similar baggage, but i think those are there totally different candidates and totally different experiences. and i don't think hillary clinton ever rose to the level of this cultural icon that kamala harris has become. but just back on the economy quickly. i know we talk a lot about prices, but there are other economic policies that i believe the vice president is

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going to roll out in the very soon coming in the coming days that talk about a collective solutions jin to people who are struggling. so you can't buy groceries because you can't work because you don't have childcare or you're taking care of your parent. and so we need more the caregiving economy. there's a lot of solutions that the vice president is going to talk about, including lowering prices. but people go to the ballot box with a plethora of issues that they're weighing i'm thinking about how am i going to juggle them? >> the only thing i would say to that quickly is that and we'll talk about later in the show, is that she is currently the vice president and we don't talk about it enough at some point, she's going to have to say i had a formative role in crafting policy in this administration and we didn't get things done or i would just waiting for joe biden to step aside. she's the own either one of those lanes because at some point this straddling is going to end up with people fall on the tenured coward for vp kinda catherine. >> thank you. as always for joining us bringing the facts to the table. everyone else stick around for us coming up

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next, tim walz has agreed to a vp debate with j.d. vance both men are dealing with questions about their past now, including another vance conversation involving postmenopausal women a special guests will join our fifth that's coming up next cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn, and streaming on max this is your team you have the right set of individuals. >> you're going to take us to the next level hard knocks training camp with the chicago bears, streaming exclusively on max. why do 80% of nfl players choose asleep members more bit? because the higher my sleep by q score, a better i play. but that's not the only reason he likes inside firm. >> i like my side soft sleep number. >> does that effortless comfort

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oxide, support blood pressure, and improve heart-healthy rush to walmart and find total bce. >> i wolf blitzer in tel aviv, israel. and this is cnn breaking news tonight, tim walz has agreed to an october vice presidential debate, but j.d. vance is saying not so fast, the republican nominee wants to walk through the rules and the parameters first before agreeing to it. now, this comes as both men are now facing questions about their past, their past comments. they're pastor says haitians. let's

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start first with vance 2020 video is now surfacing showing him appearing to agree with a podcast hosts remark. while vance praised his in-laws for helping to raise his own children and you can see the effect it has on him to be around them like they spoil. there's sort of all the classic stuff that grandparents, due to grandchildren. >> but it makes him a much better human being to have exposure to his grand perilous. >> i don't know any evidence on this, by the way, he's super clear. that's the whole purpose of the postman want to posel female in theory as spokesperson for vance responded to that surface clip saying the media is dishonestly putting words and jd's mouth, of course, he does not agree with what the hosts said. >> jd reacted to the first part of the host sentence assuming he was going to say that's the whole purpose of spending time with grandparents joining us in our fifth seat tonight, former trump white house

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communications director anthony scaramucci, right here in the flesh actually, i'm curious what you think of that. i mean, this is, this is part of a pattern of various groups that are he's been less three weeks, but i'm gonna give him a pass on that one. yeah. i think that was unfair or and that's what we're doing to our politicians now. they're clipping every sentence or analyzing every syllable. and i think he tripped over his words and trying to agree with the podcast. so i was if you listened to it again if we're colored commentating in the nfl i'm going to the official review. i'm looking in there and i'm saying j.d. vance gets a pass on that one. >> okay. >> well, here's clean up is far better than the cat lady. so the cat ladies, like him a month-long where he just kept doubled down and he didn't just accept it and take some ownership. it seems very clear his operation realize this cannot because were he agreeing this is a horrible story. oren, you're basically saying women have no value after a certain age and are once again talking about her menstrual cycles, but he came back and gave a definitive pushback, which is the only thing you can do in this case, cleanup is telling it means they realized this is

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risky and they had to correct it. >> that's a good point. i mean, they move very, very quickly. i mean, this resurfaced in the last few hours and they're attacking the media, but they're addressing it and because they've seen what happened with all those other clips, the other thing i'm in tim walz on the other side of this is also receiving a lot of attention for a number of things. he's military service and how he talked about that. but then this also i his associates shouldn't with this imam who posted anti-semitic things are or endorse them on social media. and one way, shape, or form, including one on october 7 that's the day of the october 7 attack that condemned israel's recent unprovoked attacks. and argued that palestine has the right to defend itself. he shared a statement that did those things. the vice presidential nominees are suddenly in the headlines. >> look, i think there's plenty of quotes out there. i think the reality is that they're not always getting the same level

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of play. there's plenty of things tim walz has said that i think are an abomination, but we don't seem to be having really robust conversations about what's happening over there. so look, i don't believe that you have j.d. vance being afraid of tim walz as tim walz has suggested, i think that republicans are in some ways admitting the quiet part out loud. we had an entire convention setting the table well to beat a man who was no longer in the race. and i think adam, the abundance of caution, you're seeing republicans waiting to figure out where we'll debate who's going to be on that debate stage. and ultimately i think in the end, as we've discussed many times, this table the vp is not why people vote. the vp can be a reason why people don't vote. >> but do you think that it's assigned? in that the republicans and the trump campaign, they are not strategically handling this well that we're even having a conversation about what jd vance's up to. >> well, i think the republican party and many people in the republican party have acknowledged the fact that for whatever reason we were caught but footed by this substitution

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if for no other reason that this is the first time in a very long time that you have an incumbent dropping out of the race and there was not an early in the primary. i shall not accept nor will i seek the nomination. it was after all the voting was done. oh, by the way, we're getting out of the race and so it was unprecedented. i think in many ways there has been this false start, but ultimately, i think with the advancing of tim walz as the vice presidential choice, now, heading into the convention at some point, this honeymoon has to end, will kamala harris meet the moment. i don't know that's why they played isn't it referring tim walz, we've there has been a long news take all about his war record that's been litigated. >> he's come out and talk about it. what i will say is i think that it's just a fact there was no vetting of j.d. vance. there were a handful of advisers who thought that he needed to be the pick. anyone who's followed his career since he's been in politics could tell you there are going to be more and more of these podcasts and these fringier outlets that he spoke to where he said in agreed to offensive things it's just a fact. i was

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told this was the most professional trump operation ever run yet, but they put somebody who has no mike pence in that position. mike pence did not have weeks-long stories because he insulted large swaths of the population? >> no, i'm just i wanted to ask is he going to be on the debate stage? i'm going to walz or is he gets replaced by donald trump he'll be on the basis he's going to make it. >> he'll make it through to underestimate any either where i got good. i see trump pulling him and firing him after the democratic national convention. he's going to do that or not but can we just throwing that out there because it happens. >> i don't want to be yes. >> yes. yes. >> i'll tell you this. i am confident he has humor that whether we're very familiar with i don't want to act because joe biden does not want it out there ticket that republicans didn't have ample time to bet j.d vance, donald trump walk through the primary as though he wouldn't even debate his opponents as though he was the presumptive nominee for the entire time. that whole time, he had had the

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opportunity to vet vice presidents, but let's also want to talk about vice presidents. you brought up mike pence. the reason why he even had to vet somebody is because his own vice president won't run with him again, he doesn't want him to run because he wanted him to overturn the election there want to kill the guy well, i'll leave that people should just like back away from his vp debate because republicans will get the short end of that stick. and then finally on j.d. vance, not debating, he hadn't even accept a kamala harris is invite to debate. he was like, let me check the rules, let me do so if he's a great communicator, show my support right at earlier tonight. that j.d vance actually might be the only person on the ticket right now. actually, making a coherent case. yes. for a trump second term, you all these controversies aside, he is doing interviews. he's speaking coherently. he's staying on message that is also true. >> yes. and i think what

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happened was with biden as the presumptive nominee trump got whoever he wanted, and he very much sees vance as a continuation of his legacy. that's younger person to carry the maga torch forward and now it's a controversial person and he's not ahead in the polls anymore. and so maybe there is some regret among republicans or even among the trump team. but vance is very well-prepared he really knows his stuff. i would not count him out in a debate setting against walz just quickly here j.d vance was picked because they thought he would be a good matchup as a vice presidential choice against kamala harris and because president trump from 2016 to 2020 eroded somewhere around 8% of white on white men without a college degree. and so if you're trying to do a re-rack of the 2020 election, how do you show up? up that base and make sure you have a path with the victory in my humble opinion, i think that was the calculus along with all the other

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whispering in the year or whoever the last president he wasn't paid because he could assume the presidency. donald trump, were i'm talking politically politically speaking, i mean so anthony have you said that you think trump is going to replace him. is that just a hunch shore well, i know his personality and so like you saying that he's doing a good job on the stump explaining the trump message hurts j.d. >> vance, maggie haberman saying that hurts j.d. vance because he's such a narcissist. he's got to do this 100% on his own. he would have pick nikki haley if you wanted somebody to be president and he wanted somebody to help him on the ticket, just want any help on the ticket. he wants to carry the entire thing himself to prove to the world that he did it on his own. so now you're complementing j.d. vance. if he's watching your show oh, he's stopping on your show. like that. >> he wants j.d. vance to be in the back seat of the bus, but the seventh bus while he's driving the first bus, but the flip side of that would that's

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how he works. that's already thinking about that, but there's also the scapegoat factor. if he keeps trailing behind kamala harris, it's either going to be his top advisers that are let go or there's going to and be a shuffle that is just fundamentally how he works at can't be purely has fall. >> everyone hang on, hang tight. we've got more ahead coming up next. it's a question that some of his allies are asking tonight. is donald trump becoming boring? is he too predictable? we'll discuss that coming up next fall comedy is coming to cnn what could go wrong i got news for you. for me or saturday, september 14 at nine on cnn this wants to get back to eating the food she loves. so she's been thinking about getting dental implants, but the cost seems like it's out of her budget. had clear choice. >> we specialize in permanent teeth replacement, offering a range of solutions to fit your

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may ultimately have something to do with it. >> i mean, it was like, yeah, he rambles, he goes on too long at his rallies. and in these exchanges and his presser the other day too, where you get bored, you lose the thread, you lose interest, which is not something you're used to with trump, trump in 2016, he was talking off to lose interest in and i think that's probably an age-related change back at the table here. and just for the viewing audience at home, megyn kelly usually says nice things about trump. so for her to say that i think is a little bit different, you were saying earlier than you thought that this was kind of baked in but what if it's just boring? >> you know, it's possible that people have come to expect this from trump van. okay. he he meanders, he says offensive things and it might be that we're seeing what we see in the polls right now because people are so excited about a new possibility in harris besides biden or trump.

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>> but i still think that most of the liability and the riskiness is on harris's side because she has not had the exposure he has yet, and she has not been asked to tough questions. >> and i think it will be extraordinarily difficult for her to extricate herself from the biden record. she was a trusted decision-maker. it was an equal parts partnership and it was historic. my own data shows she's been the most active vice president we've ever had in history. when you look at her public appearances, interesting so the risk i think is are literally trying to argue the opposite that she did nothing in the vice president that's so insulting to her. i really do. i mean, she was given an issue that as a border state ag and then a senator, you should be able to ace and immigration interview. that should be really easy stuff for her. i think does the suggestions that she's been hidden away or somehow diminished? i don't think are fair to her. >> in the meantime joe rogan another person who generally

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has nice things to say about donald trump. this is his assessment of how the last couple of weeks have gone for vice president harris do have to say that that one speech that she gave, right after they decided that she was going to be the nominee than one speech which he said, if you're going to say something, wants to say it to my face, it was a great timing. >> you can't say that's not outstanding totally. she just crushed it. she crushed it. yeah. she had the big moment well, i'm tuning in. this is pay-per-view. now, she had the big moment and she crushed it, crashed. >> that's a problem. >> that's a problem. and i don't think they thought she was going to be able to do that is that a problem, joe? i was just say this. i think i've said it here before, so it's no surprise, maybe it's cold, hot tick. democrats been putting on a hell of a show i, mean i was in this building. i was about 7:30 in the morning. we had a split-screen. we had cameras outside of walz's house. we got cameras outside of shapiro's house. it was as if kamala harris had been tossing and

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turning all night rest of trying to figure out who her running mate was going to be. it's great television, and i think the thing is that for republicans have been used to president trump being the one who's doing great television. but i think when it all simmers down, when the teleprompter goes away and we start having real conversations about a record that i believe ultimately wants consequential. she wasn't consequential vp, which is why in my humble opinion, i think the humble opinion of many she shouldn't be president because now she's running away from the records. she's running away from the things that she did well, inside that in ministry got to people who worked for trump at the table previously, white house conflict trying to figure out how many scaramuccis if you're lasted a lot more scared but i got to figure out the days i'll do the calculation i i'm i'm wondering what you think about what meghan also had to say, which is that she believes this is age related is losing a step. this is what he used to say about why didn't call him fat and calm old, you'll send them

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into orbit, so he'll probably hit her on truth social over what she said he hates that more than anything. and so he will be very upset, but i want to say something about the vice president just quickly in addition to what rogan and meghan kelly said she did something at the union thing, the auto union. she was unscripted. i don't everybody saw it, but she was talking about being inclusive. she was talking about doing this to gather it was a very unifying and very healing message that's contrasting to the 800 word sudoku that trump does and it has been doing since 2016, which is, hey, division countries run by idiots. i'm the only one that can save it. and people are pouring over the border. you know, everyone knows the words. now and so you've got tired words and division and you have her unscripted talking about inclusion and healing, i think is a very powerful go ahead and alive. >> do you think he's lost his edge? and i said this a while

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ago, he has never been particularly eloquent person, but there was an energy in 2016 that made people who've never voted republican consider being with him in 2020. he tried to recreate it. there were a lot of factors, but now he doesn't even seem like the same guy. it's a lot of just kind of rehashing playing the greatest hits, playing to the audience and hoping that they're going to cheer for you. end, he can't come around. the differences she's not saying i'm with her, she saying we won't go back. she's talking about a we message he has constantly ai i it's grievance. it's focused on him. it's not looking externally and even if you'd like his policies better, i could see why that stops resonating and i feel like i could close my eyes and listened to a donald trump's speech from 2016 and 2024 and feel like they're the same speech, yeah, fundamental, fundamental. >> there. maybe the deliberate hundred words right there. yes, to your point, it does feel like the greatest hits over and over again until there is something when you are a hit, when it first comes out, people

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really like it, but are you going to be able to sustain the test of time? >> and i think what people are realizing and they're getting sick of this song. but also on the vice president, i can appreciate. yes, i felt like the rollout of the vice president now becoming the presumptive nominee has been excellent, but you cannot refute 14,000 people showing up in las vegas, 4,000 be turned being turned away because it's already at capacity. you can't orchestrate that trust me, as someone who was playing. i mean, if any events to garner it is completely manufactured. that's not what i'm saying. what i what i'm simply saying is that one i would agree. i think that at some point if you see a fast ball over and over again, it becomes easier to hit it out of the park, right? metaphorically speaking but i also think that boring it's good for president trump. i don't know how many swing voters are tuning in breathlessly for a trump rally down in north carolina. i think swing voters who are trying to make us this morning, right? i do believe there is a substance said of the american populace

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that has exhausted by listening to president trump. but i do not believe that the tiny sliver of the american electorate that at this juncture is trying to figure out what are they voting for? kamala harris or whether they voted for donald trump is doing so predicated on his performance at those rallies. i think they are doing the old reagan cajun it's the economy stupid conversation at their kitchen table. and so at some point, she's going to have to have a conversation. the vice president about what is her plan to end that economic pain? >> well, we will have we will have a speech from her that will hopefully answer some of those questions. but i think the view, but you're right. there has been a no interview. there's been no press conference, but there will be a policy speech. this is the beginning of that and the point is, i guess that they're doing it on their own time. >> yes and that's something out of almost trump's playbook. he rewrote we did do politics in 2016. so why does she get to rewrite it as well? we were in

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a different age were different tactics works. the one thing though that i think is interesting is that i hear a lot of people talk as someone who ran the coalition's department has spent my whole career building coalitions from left to right to progressive people would talk about this small little sliver of voters that you aren't sure. >> i got to say there's a whole bunch of other voters that kamala harris can tap to tap into that never voted for obama, never voted for biden and or excited and interested. >> so if you can get a small piece of that sliver for an raise your ceiling with your base, which is what is happening right now. donald trump is in trouble hold on, standby. >> we've got much more ahead for all of the panelists here, more breaking news tonight as well here, why rfk junior wanted to meet with common well, harris in a potential quid pro quo will tell you about it maybe, on the edge

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the bus, but it should degree all too clear, nonstop protection against white marks. this is cnn, the world's news network new tonight, because at first he didn't succeed. >> robert f. kennedy jr. is trying again, the third party candidate wanted to offer kamala harris a quid pro quo. his support in exchange for a cushy cabinet gay. now, if that sounds familiar, it's because it's very similar to a conversation that he reportedly had with donald trump unclear what's he thinks he would give kamala harris exchange for that, but what do you make of it? >> i really am speechless. >> but oh, i mean, sure, maybe he wants to be a public servant, but it feels very selfish. let me just see what i can do to barter some cache in the city, realizing that his political candidacy for presidency was already a very

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long shot, but now it continues to dwindle and dwindle i do think there i mean, if let's just say donald trump says sure. okay. i'll make this deal with you. wouldn't put it past the guy, right there should be some agencies he's disqualified though, from even coming at department of education, department of justice. i don't know. maybe all a lot of just the whole he killed a bear and put it are brought to bear in central park and he doesn't he's also he's actively trying to get on the ballot, but it seems like based on these conversations, he knows that this thing is over but he's doing it anyway well, funded them. >> i think we should ask everybody that question and we know that the hard right. funded them anyway, that steve bannon is now in prison funded them and when he was at 10%, it seemed compelling to a few people. but at 2% it's really not compelling to anybody but

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it is enough where he could make a difference, god forbid, and a very close election. so we'll have to see what happens. but i think you have to rule out the interior secretary of interior could make them like cave land those the homeland security committee man cave land security, but yes. he pulled fairly equally from biden trump a little more trump. it's very different with harris. it's i think donald trump stands to lose more having him on the ballot, like in north carolina so listen, i think that this is going to be a person we're not talking about come october but i. also wouldn't rule out that if donald trump thinks there's some benefit to bringing him in the fold, he would find a way to do that. i don't know that he's going to make him secretary of defense or something, but he might try to cut some kind of a deal. >> i mean, look, there are a lot of people spend a lot of time in places like michigan talking about jill stein and gary johnson as those third party candidate so if you take the man at his word and try to

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give people grace, somebody who obviously ran for president, which is an arduous undertaking doing so, even as an independent, because they have things that they believe in whether you believe in those things or not. and so i'm old enough to remember when we had a guy named former senator edwards running around trying to to see if barak obama might give him something or whether hillary clinton might give him something before we found out about the child out of wedlock. i'm old enough to remember when joe biden wrapped his arm around secretary. now, i feel there are not ashley said he he killed a bear other things, and then he also acknowledged that he may have eaten sexually harassed people. >> there were i am not i'm not here trying to make the queen leaving out to worry about cabinet all that's, that's not the case, but i do think he is pulling a statistically significant portion of the electorate, particularly in states where it's very close. >> i see why it's happening. it

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seems a little bit too explicit of a quid pro quo for my liking, but i just you know, we all can agree. >> i agree on that one. everyone stay with me coming up next. our panel will give us their like cats cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention monday at seven on cnn and streaming on max right? >> and mikah are taking on to hotels. what if i took on one of the hotels and you did the other two teams? >> bryan, 100 days and the best hotel when 100 day hotel challenged special series continues tuesday night at 8:00 on hgtv one to trade bitcoin plus oil plus gold plus so much more. let me introduce you to classified if honored, the intuitive and easy to use 3d

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we're back and it's time for the news nightcap. >> you each have 30 seconds to say your piece alyssa. >> so my hot take of the evening to fringe polarizing political figures could actually lose the presidential race for donald trump. and that isn't donald trump. kari lake in arizona, in mark robinson in north carolina. these are two battleground states that were not seriously in play when it was biden versus trump. but kamala harris has put them in play. mark robinson has been on the record with some deeply anti-semitic statements some anti-woman statements, some deepest saujani kari lake. the list goes on election denialism and so on both could motivate people to come i'm out that could actually boost kamala harris on the ticket and particularly in arizona where the mccain coalition of former republicans will come out with a vengeance and they will strongly consider voting for harris candidates matter. and that's 2018, 2020 saved democrats by a lot of candidates that were pretty bad fundamentally look my hot take democrats have successfully

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used joe biden as a heat shield to protect kamala harris, but i do not believe that heat shield will help them re-enter the white house with her as the president at some point, she's going to have to start answering questions about the bedrock issues that are on the minds of every day swing voters. >> what is going on with the economy? what is your plan? what was your role with the border? what is your position on the migrant crisis? people in chicago, people in new york, people all across this country feeling that pain so i think that is the reality that democrats have put on a good show. kamala harris has been shielded by joe biden's remaining presence in the white house. but tomorrow is in many ways the anniversary of afghanistan falling to the taliban. and i think at some point that's going to put back in the spotlight what actually has happened during these last four we're years with joe biden and kamala harris. >> be careful what you ask for because she might show up and show out because she has been for the band. >> yeah i think that's the

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thing that i wonder about just why buildup, all the anticipation about it. why not just do i don't think she is. >> i mean, honestly like she's not saying interview me, interview me. >> she's just going out and campaigning realizing that her her runway is so no, but they're saying they are not doing interviews that this is a strategic decision, that they're making and i don't understand why don't i chime in for a second, line, is this such a big deal? because she isn't a still a tenuous position and she just got the nomination by calling around. there was no primary process and she doesn't want a gaffe or into the nomination. she just doesn't because she doesn't want them to start calling for a change of her and disrupt the process. if i'm her, i would just wait until she gets the nomination, give her speech the next day. go on 60 minutes or perhaps your show point though specifically, but i don't think she's going to give a speech before the fact that she didn't interview, the fact that there were no votes, whether you agree with it or not, what these are the facts. this is where it lies i think

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there is a responsibility if i've been sitting here talking about unprecedented and talking about childless for the ticket. >> i don't really get that nobody voted. not making this point. >> and i would also add, i would i would not on your side, i would simply say will be on your side november 5 is over all right. >> what's next week? the dnc is about to be lit, so i have to be honest, like folks were headed to chicago like tears like people were like as beyond said, comey like folks are flooding to chicago because one of the history-making nature of it, but i'm hearing there's something like 15 to 20,000 people who don't even have credentials that are coming into the city to be with it. so it's like when we say this is a cultural iconic moment like this stuff, you just don't manufacture like people are struggling, but people make choices to go where they want

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and they feel like they are part of something. and this is a moment where people feel like this is bigger than her. it's bigger than themselves. this is like a collected guarding to feel that way. like it's the political coachella, which i'll do mine and ten seconds that's all the great reason why she picked walz because there'll be no protests at that event, shapiro would have been different story. >> my hot take in five seconds is the republican senators are all complaining about their nominee and they really don't understand why they don't have a haley or desantis. and when he loses you're going to see republican. the republican senators, the highest profile senators that you can speak to on this show are complaining in the back offices and in the hallways about their nominee and they can't believe that they're in this situation because if they had a haley or desantis, the polling would look very different. for lincoln and they are complaining and you could pretend otherwise. but i know these people i've been a donor for 25

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