아름다운 세상을 위하여 Pay it forward.트레버의 도움나누기 (2024)

Pay It Forward (2000) movie script

인질극 첫장면

10-86, possible 4- 17. 출동바람
Baker, Henry. 베이크,헨리
3000 block of Bagley, 4- 1 7, 10-30.
베글리가3000에 출동바람

Get back! 물러나!
-I'll shoot her! 이년을 죽이겠어!
-Oh, my God! 이런,젠장
3-L-90. I repeat. 반복한다.
request you notify hostage negotiation team. 인질협상팀 지원바람
Have them respond to my Location.
-See anything? 뭐가 보여요?
-Get those cars out of here!
Suspect is a male Caucasian
용의자는 백인 남성이고,
approximately-- 대략적으로

이영화 매개자로서 기자 등장

I' m a reporter. 나는 기자입니다.
How Long have you been here?
언제 부터 이랬지요?
Domestic or drugs? 침입자 입니까?
마약문제 입니까?
Is that his girlfriend? 인질이 여자친구입니까?
-Get out of here. 꺼져라니까?
-Who is it? 누구인지?
-Talk to me. 말해죠요.
-Get him out of here. 매시어스 끌고가.
-Go on! 어서
-I got my passes. 허가증이 있어요.
-Shit. 제길
-I have every right to be here.
여기에 있을권리가 있다구요.
Where'd he go? 어디에 있는거야?
Suspect has withdrawn into
the interior of the room.
인질범 방안으로 사라진다.
We no Longer have visual contact.
더이상 인질범을 볼 수가 없다.

(용의자 차를 몰고 차고에서 돌진해 나온다.
기자차를 들이 박는다.)
That was my car. 오이런 ,저건 내차인데.
Holy-- 오 맙소사ㅡ

첫번째 도움나누기 실행 노신사 등장

Having a Little car trouble?
차에 문제가 생겹소
That's a keen observation.
관찰력이 뛰어 나군요.

I can help you. 내가 도와 주리다.
It's the Jag.그차는 재규어요.
You want me to drive home in your car?
당신차를 타고 집까지 가라고요?
I want you to take my car.
그냥 내차를 가져요.
I've had a lot of Luck Lately.
최근에 큰 행운이 있었죠.
I don't need it.난 그차가 필요 없어졌소.
You're giving me a new Jaguar
나한테 당신 새차 재규어를 준다고요.
and you don't want anything?
그것도 그냥 공차로 주다니?
I can prove it. 증명해 보이지.
Give me your card. 명함을 줘요.

I'll be in touch.내가 연락하리다.
What, you want me to kill your
wife or something?
그럼 , 당신와이프를 죽이거나 어떤 제안을
하려는거 아니요?

Tempting, but, no.좋은 생각이지만 , 절대 아니요
Call it generosity between two strangers.
그냥 관대한 선물이라고 생각해요.

Generosity? 관대한 선물
It's a Jaguar. 그것도 재규어를.
You expect me to drive home
in a new Jaguar?
그냥 타고 가라고요?
-That's right. 그래요
-You' re a freak! 미쳤군요
You are a freak. 단단히 미쳤군요
You want me to get in this car?
이차를 타라구요
No way! 절대 그럴순 없어요!
It'll probably blow up.
아마 폭탄을 설치했죠.
That's real funny, 진짜 웃기군요.
bits and pieces of me 나를 산산 조각낼려고.
raining down in the street!
이렇게 비까지 내리는데!!
You think I'm going near that thing,
당신이 날바보로 생각하는 군요.
you're nuts! 미친놈
Besides, I got a car. 게다가 나도 차가 있다고
Sort of.차는 박살 났지만,
What? You Like it? 뭐 ? 그런게 좋다니?

4months earlier

학교, 등교하는 학생들

cool blade,huh? 멋진 칼, 허?
-You want to see it? 이게 마음에 드니?
-Keep it in your pants. 가지고 싶지?
Fag. 프레그
-He's gonna kill you. 그러다 당한다.
-I've got pepper spray.
나한테 치한 퇴치기가 있어.
Apparently, none of you have ever
seen a new teacher before.
듣자하니,새로운 선생님을 본적이 없구나.
I' m Mr. Simonet. 난 씨모넷 선생님 이란다.
Welcome to the seventh grade.
7학년 중학교에 올 라온걸 환영한다.
Middle school,
that hellish, shaky bridge you all must cross...
위태로운 흔들다리를 너희들은 건너야돼
...before you become members of that
undyingly enviable high school elite.
고등학교를 들어 가기 위한 구성원이 되기전에
You may think you can't cross
this bridge fast enough.
다리를 못 건 널까봐 걱정할지도 몰라

You'd rather close your eyes and not
think about it until it's all over.
끝날때까지 숨을 참고 눈을 감고 싶을수도 있다
Well, I'm here to tell you...
그래, 너희들에게 말해 줄게
...that is not an option in this class.
이수업에서 너희들에게는 선택권이 없단다.

늦게들어오는 학생 등장

Tardiness. 지각
To be late for your first class
첫수업에 지각하는거
on your first day of school. 개학교첫날에
What does that indicate?
뭘 의미하는 걸까?


I'm having a bad hair day?
컨디션이 안 좋은 거죠?
Perhaps what it indicates is
a Lack of respect.
남을 존경하지 않는 거지.
You see, I'm going to be here
알다이피 , 난 여기에 올거다
every day for you. 너희들을 위해 매일
And so I expect you to be here for me.
너희도 그래주길 바래ㅣ
On time, no excuses. 제시간에 말이다.
변명은 소용없어
Put that down. 그거 내려나
Wait. 기다려
...this class is social studies.이수업은
That is you and the world. Yes.
사회수업은 너 와 세상이야
There is a world out there and even if
you don't want to meet it...
바깥세상에는 심지어 너희들의 만족을 못줄거야
...it's still going to hit you right in the face.
Believe me.나를 믿고
Best start thinking about the world
now and what it means to you.
세상에 관해 생각하고 너와 관련지어봐
What does the world mean to you?
세상과 너와의 괸계에 대해서
Come on! A Little class
어서 ! 이 작은 수업부터
participation. 참가하는거지
Is it just this class you want to get out of?
이 수업에서 벗어 나고싶지?
Your house, your street?집이나 동네
Any further any of you want to go
than that? Yes? 그 이상은 어때
The mall.
That's only two miles away from me.
쇼빙몰까지 집에서 3킬로 도 넘어요
Let me ask you another question.
다는 질문 해보자
How often do you think about things
that happen outside of this town?
이동네 밖의 일에는 관심들이 있니?
Do you watch the news? Yes? No?
뉴스는 봐 , 안보지?
All right, so we're not global thinkers
좋아.그러니 체계적 생각을 못하지
yet, but why aren't we? 과연 왜 그런가?
Because we're 11.11살 이니까요.
Good point. What's your name?
좋은 지적이야. 이름이 뮈니?
Maybe Trevor's right.
트레버가 맞을지 몰라 .
Why should we think about the world?
왜 세상 걱정을 해야 하죠?
After all, what does the world expect of us?
결국, 세상은 우리를 기대하지 않지?
Of you.우리에게
What does the world expect of you?
세상이 우리를 기대 하겠니?
Nothing.기대 안해요
Nothing.기대 안한다고
My God, boys and girls, he's right.
맞는 말이야 기대를 안하지.
Nothing.기대 안하는게 맞아
Here you are. 자.
You can't drive.
You can't vote.
You can't go to the bathroom without a pass.
너희들은 운전도 투표도 허가 없이 화장실도 못가지
You' re stuck...너희는 꼼짝도 못해

... right here in the seventh grade.
중학교 1학년이니까.
But not forever...하지만 영원히 그럴까...
... because one day you'll be free.
언젠가는 자유러워지지 .
But what if on that day you're free...자유로와 지게 됐을 때.
...you haven't prepared,
자신은 준비가 덜 됬고
you' re not ready...
...and yet you Look around you
아직, 너희 주변도 보지도 못 했는데
and you don't Like what the world is.
What if the world...세상이 마음에 안든다면
...is just a big disappointment?
아주 실망스럽다면
We' re screwed.꼬이는 거죠
Unless you take the things that you
don't Like about this world...
너희세상이 정말 엿같다면
...and you flip them upside down right
on their ass.너희가 새상을 바꾸면돼
Don't tell your parents
I used that word.
이런말을 했다고 이러지는 마.
And you can start that...
...today.오늘부터 시작하자
(칠반에 써여진 문장을 보여주며)
Think of an idea to change our world
and put it into action.이라는 문장이 보인다.
(세상을 바꾸는 아이디어를 내고 , 실천할것)
This is your assignment.이게 바로 과제다
Extra credit.추가점수가 있고
It goes on all year Long.1년내내하는거다
Wait a minute.잠깐
What's wrong with this?왜그래
What's the matter? Yes?뮈가 불만이야?
It's, Like, so....그건 너무
There must be a word to finish
that sentence.도와줄사람
-Someone help her.누가 좀도와주렴.
Weird. Crazy.미쳤어요
-Bummer.짜증 나요
How about possible? 가능성은 ?
It's possible.가능하지.
The realm of possibility...
가능성의 범위영역은 어디서나 존재해
...exists where? In each of you.
Here.너희 각자 안에있어 이안에
So you can do it.너희는 할수있어
You can surprise us. It's up to you.
선생님을 놀라게 해봐
너희에게 달려있어
Or you can just sit back
and let it atrophy.
Atrophy.아님,사회가 후퇴하게 돼던지,후퇴
If there is a word you hear that you
don't understand, there's a dictionary.
모르는 단어를 들어면 사전을 찾아 보도록 하렴
Look it up. 찿아보는거야
And there are these dictionaries which
you will carry at all times...
항상 사전을 가지고다니고
... because in this class, we' re going
to Learn to Love words...
단어를 사랑하고 그 의미늘 깨우쳐야돼
...and their meanings.
Any questions? 또 질문 있나
So, you'll Like, flunk us if we
don't change the world?
세상을 변하시키지 않으면 우리를 낙제 시킬건가요
No, I wouldn't do that.
But you might just squeak by
with a "C".
아니 그렇게 하지 않을거다
그치만 c학점 이상은 없어
What'd you ever do to change
the world?선생님은 어떤걸로 세상을 바꾸었나요?
Well, Trevor, I get a good
night's sleep.그래 ,트레버,난 밤에는 잠을 충분히 자고
I eat a hearty breakfast.아침을 충분히 먹죠
I show up on time...그리고 정각에 나타나지
...and then I pass the buck to you.이젠 너차러야
Now, I want you all to write your names
in these books and--그럼전부 사전에 자기이름을 써라
What's your name?이름이 뭐니
Molly, all right. I want Molly to
Look up the word atrophy...말리 좋아
난 말리가 후퇴라는 단어를 찾아보고
...and tell the class what it means.
그 의미를 수업시간 말해주렴.

No, we' re not in Milwaukee.
Straight to hell. Straight to hell.
Four tequilas.
Who's having the fourth one?
-You are.
-Not for me, thank you.
-We bought it for you.
-Thank you so much. No thanks.
-Why not?
-I promised my kid.
I know, it's horrible.
You guys have fun.
Wait, wait, wait. Here.
Thank you.
What are you doing, Junior?
What are your doing, Jun?
What are you doing?
You got her now. You got her now.
You got him now. You got him now.
What time do you get off?
If only I weren't married.
He's married!
I'm single! I'm single!
How'd it go?
Are you there?
How'd it go?
How'd it go?
How was your first day?
Trev, you got to speak up.
I can't hear you.
Sorry I wasn't home.
I had a chance to pick up another shift.
You mad at me?
Trev, what are you doing?
You find the spaghetti?
I'm eating it.
Come on, tell me what happened.
I got to go.
My friend's coming in to take a shower, okay?
That's not really breakfast.
You don't eat breakfast.
Well, Let's have some.
I'll make some eggs.
I'll have some too.
You sure you won't throw up?
-What's that mean?
-What do you think?
Tell me what it means.
-You' re sneaking it.
-I' m not sneaking anything.
아무것도 안속였어요.
Wait, I' m sorry. You' re right.
-I want to talk.
-You want to Lie to me.
I don't want to Lie, I want to talk.
-Do what you want.
-I want us to get along.
I' m sorry.
I can't find the toilet paper.
-Who are you?
-It's Jerry.
Get out! Get out of my house!
-Thanks a Lot.
-Get out!
-Do you need money for the bus?
-No, I got it.
You said he could take a shower.
-I never said that!
-You did.
I said to Let a strange man
into my bathroom?
He's my friend.
You can't have a friend Like that.
-It's for my assignment.
-What assignment?
You won't get it.
Mr. Simonet will get it.
Who's Mr. Simonet?
Hey, I' m talking--
He's my teacher.
Mr. Simonet?
Yes, I' m Eugene...
-What is this assignment?
-Excuse me?
What did you say for my son to
Let a homeless man in my house?
I have two problems.
One, I've no idea what
you' re talking about...
...and two, I don't know who you are.
Arlene McKinney. My boy is in your
social studies class? Trevor?
Yes, he's very attentive. 주의깊고
He's very exigent, 매우 적극적인 아이입니다
which I Like. 내가 좋아하는
-Exigent. Challenging, testing.
-I know what it means.
Why did my kid bring a bum home?
왜 내아이가 부랑자를 집으로 데려온거죠
-I have no idea.
I don't know how he interpreted
the assignment.과제를 어떻게 이해했는지
How do you think he interpreted it?
I don't know.
If you want to know,
why don't you talk to your son?
I talk to him.
Then why did you come down here to ask
me what the assignment is?
It's not a state secret.
Yeah? And?
It's an assignment I give out at the
beginning of every year to inspire.
I don't expect them to change the world.
-You don't expect them to change--
-Excuse me.
It's to get them to think,
not walk on water.
An assignment they can't do?
What kind of teacher are you?
I didn't say that.
They make attempts.
Now and then they clean up graffiti--
This is my kid. You don't know him.
Tell him he can do something,
he'll believe you.
And when he can't, it'll wipe him out.
They ought to fire your ass
out of here right now.
They probably won't do that because I
filled a very excellent quota.
I'm just this side of parking in
the blue zone.
You think you can do whatever you want
because your face is messed up?
Why don't you put down in writing your
Little and Loud complaints...
...and I'll make sure they get put
in the suggestion box.
You are really something.
Thanks. I appreciate the euphemism.
I've always wanted to be something.
Can I help you with something, miss?
Mr. Thorsen. Hold up, man!
I've been waiting all day for you.
-Why won't you return my calls?
-We' re not friends.
I got the pink slip for the car.
Quite a stocking stuffer.
-You can't accept it?
-No, that would make me a moron.
I just want to know about
these instructions.
Do what they say. Pay it forward.
-Because you've accepted the car.
-You' re obligated.
-What if I don't feel obligated?
What if I take my new car, get some
hookers and drive to Mexico?
I'll never know.
What is this? Come on, for real.
An attack of total altruism
from a Litigator.
I've got a meeting.
I've got a story. Okay?
A partner at Channing and Moss
is giving away cars?
Tell me a reason or I'll make one up.
Mine will be more interesting.
You've gone dotty, you're wearing
crystals, keeping too many cats at home?
Look. Listen, please!
My ex-wife has everything. Okay?
Plus, she's in a Lesbian relationship
just to piss me off.
Help me out, please.
My daughter has asthma.
One night it was very bad,
the worst I'd ever seen it.
It was the middle of the night,
emergency room.
We were waiting forever.
Couldn't get anyone to pay attention.
Her inhaler doesn't seem
to be working.
Mr. Parker, what happened?
My sister, she stabbed me.
-We were here first.
-Stab wounds first.
-She can't breathe. She's scared.
-I will Let you know.
Somebody has to see her.
It's never been this bad.
Do something.
Would you just sit down?
I' m sorry. We've been here 4 hours.
You need to get a doctor.
No. Wait.
That's bullshit.
Help her right now.
-Excuse me?
-Why you giving me shit?
Ain't you got some oxygen?
Let me get the supervisor.
You don't need a supervisor.
You the supervisor today.
You are the supervisor today.
You feel me on that?
Take your ass down the hall, put the
girl on the tray and supervise her...
...and get her some goddamn air.
I got your back, sis. Bitch, you' re
still here. Shit!
Let go of my arm, man.
This ain't fair, man!
Come on! Come on, man. Damn!
I thanked him...
...and there were specific orifices in
which I was told to shove my thanks.
He told me, "Just pay it forward. "
Three big favors for three other
people. That's it.
So it's Like a pass-it-on thing, then.
You and this Lowlife are in this chain
of do-gooders...
...a kind of Mother Teresa conga Line?
That's a Little New-Agey for you.
Sort of Tibetan? Are you in a cult?
Mention my name, you'll be selling your
kidneys to pay for your Lawsuit.
The guy! What was the guy's name?
Sorry, I'm Late for my mass wedding.
I know somebody's in here.
I know you' re there.
Come out or I will find you
and shoot you.
Please don't shoot.
You stay right there.
If I see you move one--
Please don't pick it up!
Please don't! I' m not moving.
What are you doing to my truck?
Let me show you. I' m just....
I' m just going to open the door, okay?
Might be easier for you to sell now.
Now that it works.
I didn't ask for your help.
You been Living in my garage?
Not after tonight.
Can I come around and....
I got a handyman job at the Royal Motel.
They're giving me a room.
You stay right there!
Please, I don't Like guns.
What is going on with you and my son?
He wanted to help somebody.
Wanted to get somebody back on their
feet, so he gave me a Little money.
-He gave you money?
-Yes, ma'am.
That's his savings.
Well, it's clothes and shoes
and I got the job off it.
You think you can keep it?
Looks to me Like you've got yourself
a Little problem.
I can Lick it.
How's that supposed to happen
all of a sudden?
You ever been on the street?
My mom took us pretty close.
Well, you can't know, not until
you' re Looking at a dumpster.
But when you climb in the first time,
and pull the newspapers over you...
...that's when you know you've
messed your Life up.
Somebody comes along Like your son
and gives me a Leg up...
... I'll take it.
Even from a kid, I'll take it.
I can't mess up again or I'll be dead.
I appreciate that you're trying to pay
back Trevor--
I'm not allowed to pay back Trevor.
-Then what is it you're doing?
-I' m paying it forward.
I know you want me to go.
I'll go.
What's paying it forward?
That's me.
And that's three people.
And I'm going to help them, but it has
to be something really big...
...something they can't do
by themselves.
So I do it for them...
...then they do it for
three other people.
That's nine.
And I do three more....
That's 27, so--
I' m not really good at math but it
gets big really fast. You know?
All right, all right, all right.
A Little articulation, please.
-I think it's a good idea.
-It's stupid.
-It's the honor system.
-People blow off the honor system.
-So what?
Just because you do.
Trevor, the class thinks that you've
come up with an overly utopian idea.
Look that word up in a minute.
Like a perfect world?
So what put this idea in your head?
Everything sucks.
He talked to you about this?
We've had our discussions.
But you don't have to worry...
... because I'll tell him we
can't talk no more.
No, don't do that.
Would you Like a cup of coffee?
Yes, ma'am.
I called the president
to talk about pollution.
But my mom said now they'll
put us on some List...
...so she hung up.
For this assignment, I put up recycling
fliers at two supermarkets.
I' m going to put up a website
in Chinese.
It'll tell all the kids in China to jump
up and down at the same time.
The goal being to knock
the Earth off its axis.
-Thank you. Sit down.
Well, your ideas are as surprising
as they are variegated.
Add that to your List of words
to Look up.
But I want to focus for a moment on one
project we heard today.
I've been teaching for many years and
it's the first new idea that also...
... requires an extreme act of faith in
the goodness of people.
Trevor has made an attempt to
interact with the world...
...and that was the assignment.
And if I were an effusive person given
to easy praise...
... I would call that...
The words from today:
utopian, enigma, quantum.
Add variegated.
I want you to go home--
-Hey, Mr. Simonet.
Were you just being nice?
About what?
About my idea.
Do you think it's good or were you
just being teachery?
Do I strike you as someone
falsely nice?
You're not even really all that nice.
Well, it was a slip-up
and it will not happen again.
What happened to your face?
Did you draw the short straw today,
It's not a very pertinent subject to
social studies, is it?
Go and tell them that's
what I said.
Tell who?
I'll see you tomorrow.
-You know where Jerry is?
-Over there in 1 5.
It's more product.
Who is it?
It's Trevor.
I' m Looking for Jerry.
Jerry's not here.
When will he be back?
He's not coming back.
Now get out of here.
Get out of here!
Please come out, Jerry.
I remember in 1 976 there were those
programs in the school system...
-...and now, all that's gone.
-I gotta go.
You ran out of class this morning.
I wanted to talk to you.
Come in.
Trevor's not feeling good.
I' m sorry.
What's the matter?
Just a tummy ache.
Do you want to come in?
Sure. Thank you.
-Sit down.
-Thank you.
-It's a very beautiful home.
-Thank you.
Have you lived in Vegas your
whole Life?
I told him if you wanted to talk to me
I would come to the school.
Mrs. McKinney, I didn't ask to see you.
Well, Trevor said you did.
Yeah and he gave me a note from you...
...which you didn't write.
He gave you a note from me?
Oh, God, that's horrible.
He's been so--
-No, I didn't mean you.
-No explanation required.
-Don't elaborate.
-It's not personal.
-I' m used to this.
-Would you stop?
Can we just rewind here a Little bit?
I obviously didn't realize
how much Trevor Likes you.
That's nothing that we can't discuss
on parent-teacher night.
Then why did you come?
Why didn't you just tell me to
come to the school?
Because you came to the school...
...to talk to me about your son...
...and I behaved Like a--
An asshole?
Is that too trailer-trash a word?
How's " rat bastard " sit with you?
It's pretty good.
-" Dickhead "?
-Oh, I Like that.
Look, I' m--
I made all this food.
It's just sitting here.
I really don't know who else to
talk to about him.
-This is good.
I don't understand.
This is summer school?
Why do you think Trevor stopped
talking to you?
I don't know.
He seems mad.
Seventh grade is difficult,
but he seems happy at school.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's fine.
How much do you see him?
-As much as I can.
-How much is that?
I' m not doing a bunch of skanky guys
instead of spending time with my son.
I got two jobs.
Right. I meant that.
Couldn't have just been a question.
Mrs. McKinney, do you think there
might be something...
...outside of school that might be
bothering him?
I don't know.
I'm going to have to consult
my spirit guides here.
You tell me Trevor's withholding
from you...
...but won't tell me anything specific,
and you want me to divine why.
Divine why?
You always talk Like that?
You go to some big fancy school?
Think you could stop rubbing
my nose in it?
Is there a father?
He doesn't Live here anymore.
I don't know where he is.
I know what that's Like.
Arlene, I've called you five times.
-No, Listen.
You don't call your sponsor once in
a while, you don't have a sponsor.
This is Eugene Simonet.
You're not supposed to date for
a year.
-It isn't a date.
-No, I' m Trevor's teacher.
We' re having a conference.
We' re done.
Were done.
How could you do that to me?
Write a Letter to him, sign my name?
-Why'd you have to mess everything up?
-I didn't mess this up.
What were you doing?
Standing at the door Listening?
-What happened to your stomachache?
-Why? You always Lie.
This wasn't my fault.
This was embarrassing.
I did something good
and you don't know it.
Honey, Listen.
You can't just put two people together
and make them Like each other.
You only Like people you
can get drunk with.
You're waiting for him to come back.
-No, I'm not.
-Yes, you are!
No, I' m not!
-Your father's not getting his foot--
-That's what you always say.
-I mean it now.
-You always mean it.
What do you want me to say?
I say it, I mean it.
When he's around you don't care
what happens to me.
You don't even know I' m in the house.
-That's not true.
-It's true.
I Love you.
I Love you.
I' m doing the best I can.
Don't Love me.
I hate the way you Look.
Trevor, you need to stop.
I hate that you' re my mother.
Trev, I' m going to come in, okay?
You said that an hour ago.
Do you understand my kid is missing?
If I had a car I'd be out
Looking for him!
What time do you think he took off?
I don't know.
I'm sorry to do this to you.
Bonnie wasn't home.
The cops wouldn't come.
And my friends are all drunks.
-It's okay.
-And so am I.
I' m a drunk too.
I believe some people refer to
that as "in recovery. "
Where are you going?
Got enough?
Need a ticket somewhere? Come on,
I'll get you a ticket.
Come with me. I'll get you a ticket.
I'll get you a ticket,
you son of a bitch!
Honey, are you okay?
For the rest of my Life, I can
never be as sorry...
...as I am for what I did to you.
I didn't drink.
I wanted to, but I didn't.
You got no reason to trust me...
...and I know you don't want to hear
any more promises...
...so I' m just gonna tell you
the truth.
I have a problem.
I have a really bad problem.
I've got to stop.
And if you can be with me on this...
...if you can think it's possible
that I can do it...
...then I think maybe I can.
If you just...
...try a Little bit and help--
You' re still here?
I hope it's okay.
-He's asleep.
-Good, okay.
How did you know where he was?
Well, kids, they either hitchhike
or they take a bus.
-You're welcome.
No, you don't have to.
-I understand--
-Wait. Goddamn, I want to thank you.
Thank you.
You' re welcome.
-Wasn't quite worth it, was it?
I was wondering, do you want to come
back here sometime?
Have dinner with me?
I' m not entirely sure
that would be appropriate.
Okay. I understand.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Why'd you do that man
the favor, Sidney?
No, it's Like three favors, player.
You got to do three.
I'll do the other two here
for my folks.
A Lot of brothers need favors in here.
But who told you to do it?
It's Like this idea I got.
You gonna put this on TV?
How did you come up with
an idea Like that?
Man, it's Like....
It's Like the world is a shithole.
Excuse my French and shit.
And it's Like...
... I just thought, Like, boom!
Like the whole shit could be,
Like, better.
It didn't start with anyone else?
No, nigger.
That shit came from here.
The shit came from my head.
I can't Lie.
I been through some heavy-ass shit.
But not no more,
because it changed me.
And I' m changing this place, man.
I mean, people are Listening to me.
People are staying clean.
I mean, it's Like some cosmic
Aristotle shit. You feel me?
-Yeah, no doubt.
-I feel you.
-No doubt, dog, no doubt.
The thing is, Sidney...
...somebody else is saying
that pay it forward was their idea.
I think you know who.
That bitch?
She a Lying-ass bitch.
She's a Lying bitch.
She's got your head.
She makes a pretty good case,
though, Sid.
That old crusty bag Lady?
This is all from me.
All from my heart, dog.
Sidney, it doesn't matter if you got
it from the Lady or not.
You're the one paying it forward.
In prison, no Less.
The parole board will eat that up.
-Oh, the parole board.
-The parole board.
Oh, snap, yo. You good, man.
It's Like a carrot for
the mouse and shit.
No doubt. It's too bad my parole don't
come up for another year, B.
What if I can make it so your parole
comes up next month?
Oh, hello.
Did you know I worked here?
No, I didn't. Really.
Just dropped in for
a Little game of craps?
No, I Like that coffee shop.
They have good food.
Yeah, they got good pancakes.
-Want me to bring you back something?
-Oh, no, thanks.
-I get off in an hour.
Yeah, really.
Well, if you were going to eat
anyway then....
If you wanted, maybe....
If you were hungry, we could....
We could, if you were,
if you want to...
...eat something...
Give me a seven iron, please.
Yes, sir.
May I help you?
I am not stalking the governor, Jordy.
Shit. Chandler.
You scared me. You Look Like crap.
What are you doing here?
-I want to talk to him, Jordan.
-Your questions piss him off.
-Is that why I got the bounce?
-He won't talk to you.
-Tell him I'm a candygram.
-Stop it.
I've been sitting on a story for
2 years about a party he had.
The clean-up crew found syringes,
size 1 2 high heels, animal droppings.
That can't be right, can it?
You really had this, you'd have used it.
Bullshit. His friends in high places
had me kill it...
...but since I got fired,
I'm not feeling that Loyal.
-What do you want?
-Four million dollars.
I' m kidding, man. Relax.
A phone call.
I just need a phone call.
I need a massage for a friend's
parole date. That's it.
-They kept me "0 minutes over.
-Did you call him?
I couldn't remember the name of the
restaurant. I remember the hotel--
If you're Late he thinks
it means you don't respect him.
If you're Late, he'll think it means
you don't respect him.
Wear this.
-I want to wear the green dress.
-You Look Like a vampire in that.
I got to take a shower.
-I smell horrible.
No, you don't! You smell good.
You smell Like roses or something.
Let me just wash under my arms.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I' m sure.
Don't interrupt him in
the middle of a sentence.
Am I supposed to raise my hand?
-Get me my shoes. Those sandals.
-No, these.
I' m not wearing those.
They' re too sexy.
You' re Late. You owe him.
-I owe him? Who are you?
No stupid jokes! He's not
that kind of person.
Thank you very much. Where's the phone?
I got to call for a cab.
If I take a bus, I'll be
another hour Late.
-Stop yapping.
-I've got to call for a cab.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God. You' re just about....
You' re the greatest son in the world!
Okay, you have to go.
Here, here.
Go, go.
-Lock both doors!
-I will.
-I Love you!
-Love you too, Mom.
I respect you!
They kept me Late at work...
...and then I got on the bus to go
home and change, which was stupid.
I' m sorry, but I was all the way--
You' re right on time.
I' m sorry.
I was Living in Vegas. One night I
was walking down the street.
Minding my own. Wasn't doing
nothing to nobody.
I was just on my way to church.
Out of nowhere these five Bloods just
peeled out of a truck.
And one of them, man,
was real black.
Man, I start swinging one by one
Like, " Nigger, take that! "
Like Ali on them bitches.
I was like....
"What's up, nigger, what's up? "
All five of them got up
and started chasing me, man.
"We going to kill you, Crip. "
I was like,
"You can 't catch me, Blood. "
Then, man, all of a sudden,
out of nowhere...
... that's when I ran into
this old lady.
That's who you want to know about.
Hey, you in trouble?
-Get in.
Get in?
Come on, get in.
What are we doing?
Whatever we want.
You think I'm going for your dried-up
crusty ass? Whatever.
Shoot. I smell better than you do.
Yeah, all right.
All right, so what?
What you want?
Don't matter...
... because you ain't going to do it.
You damn right about that. Shit.
Hey, not in my car.
Shit, not in my car.
Oh, my bad. My bad.
This is your pad? You don't want me
to jack up your pretty curtains.
Son of a bitch.
I paid it forward for a hophead
son of a bitch.
You paid it what? I didn't hear that.
I ain't going to tell you because your
ass ain't good enough to touch it.
Oh, my ass ain't good enough, huh?
Now you gonna tell me.
You gonna tell me.
An old bat Living in her car in Las
Vegas tells you about pay it forward?
She ain't want to, but I wouldn't
stop until she Let it out.
What I really want to know is why?
Why did you pay it forward?
Because don't nobody tell me what
I can and can't touch.
You're not supposed to date
for a year.
They' re not dates.
Seven dinners. What are they?
-It's a couple of adults sitting down.
-Does he pay?
-He pays for everything.
-Did anybody ask you?
-He doesn't know many people.
-He Likes her.
-He fixed your TV remote.
-That's an engagement ring.
-And he doesn't drink.
Don't you got to pee? Look.
-I need a smoke.
-Yeah. Over there.
-So has he kissed you?
-No, no, no, no.
Does he want to?
Sometimes I think he does.
He can't really want to
or he would've.
Do you want him to?
I don't know.
It's just taking forever.
You ever gotten to know somebody
before you went to bed with him?
-Is that bad?
-It's pathetic.
Well, good night.
Do you want to come in?
And stay?
Come in.
Trevor's inside the house.
Well, he sleeps Like the dead.
I don't want to make it any
harder for you.
You're supposed to wait a year.
Isn't that what Bonnie said?
I can't.
I' m sorry.
No. I don't mean I can't.
It's just....
This is complicated.
I get it. It's okay to say you
don't Like me that way.
Is that what you think it is?
It's okay.
How could you ever think that?
What is it?
-And you're doing this because?
-I need more Links.
You're spending $300 to find
an old Lady...
...so you can sell a story for $300.
It's a news magazine feature. It's
not something you wipe your ass with.
You have a Lovely way of
expressing yourself.
Do me a favor.
Don't change the Locks on me, okay?
Chris? What are you hoping this'll be?
You know, something that clears a check.
Are you sure that's all?
I drank the Last of the coffee.
Please put it on the List.
Who's there?
-Do you Look down on me?
-Do you Look down on me?
I don't talk Like you. I haven't
read the stuff you read.
That's not pertinent,
and you know it.
Don't talk to me Like that!
I'm sorry, but that's the way I talk.
Words are all I have.
Why, because you think you Look
Like shit?
I don't care about your burns,
if that's what they are.
-Is that what they are?
Okay, well, whatever happened to you,
you Look good to me.
Well, you Look good to me too.
Okay, so?
So I've never been here before.
Okay, so you' re scared.
I' m scared too.
Listen, bad things have happened
to me, okay?
I can't take my shirt off with a guy
without five beers...
...but I want that with you.
More than I' m scared, I want that.
You don't see me.
My Life....
My Life is familiar. My Life is....
It's manageable.
It's manageable. Every day.
I have a thing I do every day.
It's all I've ever known.
And it's a routine and as Long
as I have that...
...as Long as I have that, I' m okay.
If I don't have it, I' m Lost.
So is that all you want?
Your goddamn manageable day?
-It's what I have.
-It isn't.
-Is it what you want?
I don't believe you.
Okay. That's the best I got.
-It's not about you.
-Yes, it is!
Something's been offered to you here
and you don't want it.
Maybe you're scared to get rejected.
I can't reject you.
You' re too quick for me.
You didn't call me a fag, did you?
Look what I found.
Give me that! That's my asthma spray!
-Shut up!
-Stop it!
-Stay still!
-Stop! Help me!
-Hold still!
Hey, McKinney.
Come here.
Let's hang out.
Help me, please.
Screw it. Come on.
Let me go! Let me go!
You cut my class.
It's been four days.
What's been four days?
Why haven't you called my mother?
It's been four days.
I don't know.
Neither does she.
Hey, what's the matter?
Pay it forward didn't work.
I couldn't even do it.
I was gonna help Adam.
Help Adam do what?
Not get beat up.
But I crapped out and I Let him.
I Let him get beat.
No. you didn't.
You didn't Let him get beat.
It happened.
Sometimes there's nothing we can do.
-It's not fair.
-I know--
No. You don't know.
You should call my mother.
You could do something if you wanted.
-Why are you chicken?
-I' m not chicken.
Something's gonna happen,
then it'll be too Late.
What's gonna happen?
What do you mean?
He'll come back.
Who will come back?
Hey, who will come--?
Your dad.
Your dad will come back?
...what will happen when he
comes back, Trevor?
Will he hurt you?
Will he hurt her?
Not if someone's there...
...instead of him.
Trevor, it's...
...complicated for me now.
Is the world just shit?
No, it isn't.
You did good work.
Look at me.
I' m proud of you, Trevor.
I'm proud of you.
And anyway, for what it's worth...
... I' m grading you on the effort,
not the result.
I don't care about the grade.
I just wanted to see if the world
would really change.
Come in.
-It worked!
-Oh, God.
-Does he always get up early?
He just saw me.
-It's okay.
-I' m his teacher.
Now you have to pay it forward too.
You should still call me Mr. Simonet.
You had a sleepover.
-Go back to bed.
It's too early and I got to
get to school.
-No, it's a Sunday.
-It's a Sunday?
It's a Sunday?
Stay. Mom will make breakfast.
I have a schedule that you
don't know about every Sunday.
Will you take care of him?
I'll call you Later.
Don't be a stranger!
You Like him?
Lady, come on.
Go away.
I' m not going to hurt you, Lady.
Here, take it.
It's a nice thought
but it's not what I want.
What are you doing?
I'm not going to hurt you!
Oh, my God. Listen to me.
Nothing's this important.
Come down here.
What are you doing?
What do you care anyway?
Because I owe somebody a favor.
Not me.
Why not you?
You know, a minute ago...
...all I could think about
was getting my next fix.
And then I saw you
and I changed my thinking.
Oh, please. Go away.
Trust me. I'm not worth it.
Why is that?
-For God's sake.
-Come on, tell me.
Why are you not worth it?
Trust me. You wouldn't understand.
Are you kidding me?
You think I Live at the Ritz?
Have a cup of coffee with me.
Do me a favor.
Save my Life.
Get him, get him! Off the ropes!
He missed him!
He's dead!
Come on, bleed, dude.
Give him a DDT.
-It's gonna be a DDT.
Drop him on his ass!
I'm worried about you.
That's the DDT.
-Hear me?
-He's dead!
-He's paralyzed, get out of the ring.
-You can't get out of the ring.
He can. He has to get a chair.
A chair?
Slow motion.
Trevor, when did you become
so violent?
Take me to a match. You get
splattered in the front row.
I don't want to be splattered.
It'll be your
birthday present to me.
You know what you're getting?
A new encyclopedia.
Leather bound.
Thucydides History of
the Peloponnesian War.
No, I'm getting you 51
crackling volumes.
There'll be pop quizzes every day on
the development of cotton farms.
Hi, Arlene.
You can't stay here, Ricky.
I know.
Look, I know what we had was
a nightmare, Arlene.
-But I did it.
-You did what?
I knew I couldn't come back
unless I was sober.
It's the truth.
Five months, two weeks and four days
are the truth.
-Where you been?
-What does it matter?
I knew I had to change.
-Are you sober?
-Yeah, I got sober staying right here.
Well, you' re stronger than me.
Can you just stop for a minute?
Can we just sit down and talk?
I' m sorry.
What are you doing here?
-I want you to understand.
-No explanation required.
Please don't talk to me Like that.
We had 1 3 years in, Eugene. He's sober
now. We've never been sober together.
I wish you Luck.
I feel Like I've got to
give him a chance.
A chance? A chance for what?
To change.
To try to make up for Lost time.
To take Trevor to ball games?
Do "daddy" things with him?
Yeah, he promised to try.
-What should I do?
-Be smart.
He's his father.
He impregnated you, Arlene.
In what other way has he
been a father?
Unless knocking somebody around
is a new family value.
What do you mean?
He never touched Trevor.
Oh, that's right, only you.
He only took it out on you.
That's so much better.
What did Trevor tell you?
Secrets Like that shouldn't be kept.
What good does it do Trevor?
Ricky never meant to hit me.
We were drunk!
What is it with women Like you?
Is that something you tell yourself?
"It's okay he beat me. "
"Trevor's okay. "
Trevor Locked himself in a bathroom
and he can't breathe...
...and he's praying that it will stop!
-Trevor never went through that!
-You know what Trevor went through?
How do you know?
How do you know the next time after
you, he doesn't come for Trevor?
I know what I'm talking about, Arlene.
My father got on his knees
and begged my mother...
...and my mother, she always
took him back.
I never understood it.
She'd cover the bruises and the cuts
and she'd take him back...
... because he begged and he cried.
Ask me what happened after
he came back.
You wanted to know what happened to me!
Now ask me!
-I don't Like this.
-" Did he hurt you? " Ask!
Did he hurt you?
Not for Long.
By 1 3 I was gone. I ran away.
But I missed her, so I had to go back
and see her.
So one night I did.
Ask what happened. "What happened that
night you came back, Eugene? "
What happened?
He was there, drunk as usual.
Only this time, I wasn't the same.
I was 1 6 years old and I was no Longer
afraid of him.
And when I Looked him in the eye...
...and told him if he ever touched her
again, I would kill him, he knew.
He knew that he would never exist
for me again.
And I'm standing in front of the house.
I'm screaming for her to come out.
I'm telling her she doesn't have
to take it anymore.
She doesn't.
She can come with me now.
I don't see it coming.
He hits my head with a two-by-four
and I' m bleeding from my ear.
He's dragging me behind the house into
the garage. Then he's gone.
A minute, five minutes, I don't know.
Then he's back and wetting me down.
And I don't understand.
I don't understand why water
should smell so bad.
I don't understand. And then I see it.
I see...
...this gas can.
This red gas can from his truck.
And he Looks at me one Last time...
...and he Lights a match.
And the Last thing I remember...
...and I'll never forget it...
...were his eyes.
His eyes, because they were
filled with this...
I' m so sorry.
Don't tell me how sorry you
are for me!
Tell me how you'll stop it
happening to Trevor.
Ricky would never do that.
Oh, Jesus, Arlene. He doesn't have to.
All he has to do is not Love him.
What's going on?
What's going on?
I'll tell you what's going on.
-What are you doing?
-What's it Look Like?
You can't do this.
What are you putting in my room?
We had an agreement.
My son won't talk to me.
He won't Look at me!
You turn him against me?
I told you I wasn't gonna make him
talk to you.
You could get a job.
-What am I supposed to use for a car?
-Take the bus.
That'll be the day.
-You can't stay in this room.
-This is our room.
This is our house, our bed.
-You've been drinking.
-Kiss me.
Stop it! Stop it!
I want you out of this house.
-What's your problem?
-I want you out.
Turn that down!
I'll come and pound your ass!
-Don't talk to him Like that!
-Don't tell me how to talk!
Don't tell me how to talk to anybody.
I've had enough.
-Are you getting mad?
-What are you gonna do about it?
I Liked you better when you had
a few drinks in you.
You want me out of the house, I'm out!
I think I made a mistake.
Everybody makes mistakes.
All right, bring them up.
Thank you. Carefully.
Thank you.
Careful. Did you get rid
of your hiccups?
Told you holding your breath
would work.
Thank you. Careful. Thank you.
Very nice.
Give me that one. Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Trevor, what is it?
Are you still gonna pay it forward?
You could say you don't have to...
... because it didn't work out.
But I thought you still might.
Trevor, I would Like more than
anything to do that for you.
-When I find something worthy--
-I know somebody who needs something.
-You have to Let me find this--
-You know who it is.
...you don't understand everything.
All right?
So you do not know what you' re asking.
Give her another chance.
I will pay it forward.
I promise you that.
But I cannot do that.
But that's why this is the one.
Because it's supposed to be
something hard.
If you help my mom, even if you're
still mad, in a way nobody could--
-Did she ask you to talk to me?
-No, she thinks you won't forgive her.
But I still think you could.
If you wanted to do something huge...
...for someone...
...for my project.
For me.
She made her choice.
She said she made a mistake.
Well, that's the beauty of hindsight.
You don't care.
Yes, I do.
I will always care about you, always.
You' re my teacher.
They pay you to.
-You got it?
I ain't saying a thing till I
get one more.
You know, I thought you might
feel that way.
No, no. Later.
I got my places.
Places where nobody cares where
you park overnight.
Places where I live.
Anybody who knows me...
...knows where to find me.
Hi, Mom.
-What are you doing here?
-I wanted to see you.
-After three years, why now?
-I can't watch you do this.
I drive by your house.
I know.
-He's big.
What are you doing here?
Are you gonna try to put me
Then what do you want?
I want to try to do something.
All the things...
...when I was a kid.
The booze...
...and the men.
What happened to me when you
weren't Looking.
I know we' re all weak.
-No, not you.
-No, I've been weak.
Here's the thing.
I forgive you.
-I don't Like your hair.
-I know. I' m not putting it back.
So I'd Like to see you sometimes.
Is that okay?
You can't Live with me.
Who would want to?
Can I see him?
Not drunk.
You've got to be sober if just
for two hours.
Yeah, I can do that.
Then I'll come and find you.
Why'd you do this, Arley?
She told me why.
She told me I had to do
something big...
...for three other people.
Happy birthday dear Trevor
Happy birthday to you
And many more
What'd you wish for?
He can't tell you or it
won't come true.
Can I have some napkins?
Here you go.
I'll get it.
I' m Chris Chandler. I' m a reporter.
Could I have a moment of your time?
Why? I don't have anything to
say about anything.
Please. I've already spoken to your
mother, which naturally led me to you.
-My mother?
-She told me about pay it forward.
How you helped her.
I'm doing a story.
You can't. That's private.
It upset my son. It was a social
studies thing and it didn't work.
Social studies?
Leave it alone. He just wants
to get on with seventh grade.
It's his birthday and it's a bad time.
-I'm sorry--
-No, I' m sorry.
I've been tracking this story
from Los Angeles.
Pay it Forward, the movement,
reached L.A.
-Come on. The movement?
Your son had something to do
with this?
I really appreciate this,
Mrs. McKinney.
It's up to him.
-Ready, slugger?
-I guess.
Here you go. Up here, please.
Just Like you' re getting a haircut.
-You been interviewed before?
This is for you.
Hi. How are you?
-What's your name?
-Chris Chandler. Nice to meet you.
Less painful than the dentist.
Just be yourself, okay?
-Ready to go?
-I guess.
Come on, you got to have
some gusto here.
All right, Lets go.
All right, great.
Just be yourself. Relax.
It's gonna be a Lot of fun.
Okay, we' re on?
Hi, I'm Chris Chandler and I'm joined
today by an unusual seventh grader...
...Trevor McKinney.
Trevor, you must be pretty proud of
So you' re not proud at all?
I don't know. I guess.
Come on, you start a movement Like Pay
it Forward. You' re not proud?
I guess. I mean, I got an "A"
in social studies.
But that was just for the effort.
Stuff I did, it didn't work out.
-You' re here.
-Yeah, but--
I don't know. I tried real hard...
... but nothing really happened.
My mom's stuff worked.
She talked to my grandma.
Kind of made up with her.
It was really hard for her.
It was great for me, because my
grandma came to my birthday party.
And I had really missed her.
And that's why Pay it Forward went to
all those places...
... because of my mom.
Because she was so brave.
My stuff, I don't know. I think some
people are too scared or something...
...to think things can be different.
The world's not exactly...
I guess it's hard for some people who
are used to things the way they are...
...even if they' re bad...
...to change.
And they kind of give up.
When they do, everybody--
They kind of Lose.
Hi, Arlene.
I don't want to be one of those people
he's talking about.
And I've become one.
I don't want to spend another
second of wasted air.
Please don't Let me stay trapped
in here forever.
I won't.
I don't want to spend another second
without you.
See you around.
All right, see you Later, guys.
Let me go!
-Stop it!
-Who'd you tell?
-Who'd you tell, tattletale?
-I didn't tell anybody.
I didn't say anything.
Stop it! Trevor!
Come here.
Let me go!
Cut it out! No!
Get out of my face!
Punch him! Come on!
Leave him alone!
Someone get an ambulance!
I guess it's hard for
some people who...
...are used to things
the way they are.
... even if they're bad...
... to change.
I guess they kind of give up...
...and when they do...
... everybody kind of loses.
These moments make you sorry
to report anything.
This remarkable young man died
at 7: 35 this evening.
There are now confirmed incidents of
Pay it Forward in L.A., San Francisco.
In Phoenix, we 're checking...
...if the 16 foster children who
received computers...
...is connected to this movement.
It's hard.
You can 't plan it.
You have to watch people more.
Sort of keep an eye on them
to protect them...
...because they can 't always
see what they need.
It's like your big chance to fix
something that's not like your bike.
You can fix a person.
Is that what you want for your
birthday, everybody to pay it forward?
I can 't ask for that.
-Sure you can. Why not?
- Wouldn't work.
I already blew out my candles.

아름다운 세상을 위하여 Pay it forward.트레버의 도움나누기 (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.