The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

THE OWENSBORO MESSENGER -THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1944 1 ley said he had been of the opinion "all along" that the Utility Commission did not have the power to $1,000 Bond Demand Good; Banquet Tickets Go On Sale (Continued trom ruge One) Owensboroans Meet On Guadalcanal Boatswain's Mate Edward Delker. of the Navy's Seabees, told Owens-boro Rotarians at their mid-week meeting at Hutel Owensboro Wednesday, of experiences on Guadalcanal, after it was taken from the Japs by the U. 3. Marines. "You hear a lot," he said, 'about the ferocious Jap, but believe me I am glad the Marines are on our side." Delker is a former secretaiy of the Rotary club and his membership, as that of other Rotarians in the service, continues during his absence.

He told of a rare coincidence in his meeting an other Owensboro Rotarian, David Cox, on Guadalcanal just before Delker departed for home. "He was looking fine," Delker reported. employ its own attorney, out inai since the members of the commission received only a small compensation he had felt that they were entitled to their own attorney il they desired to employ someone in that capacity. Monarch Cox, chairman of the Utility Commission, said Wednesday that other attorneys consulted by board members concurred in Mr. Miller's opinion and advised them that they were right in stopping transfers to the city general fund following receipt of Mr.

Miller's views. In Mr. Miller's opinion to the Commission, however, he made no mention of the section of the Statute cited oy Mr. Kirtley. HOPKINSVILLE SOLDIER KILLED DURING TRAINING i CLEARANCE of Men's Suits and Overcoats Camp Swift, Texas OP) The pub lic relations office Wednesday an nounced Pfc William R.

Aldridge, 21, Hopkinsville, had died of gunshot injuries received during training, and that a board was in- vestiEatiner the accident. Aldridge's mother, Mrs. Lucy Aldridge. 113 E. Eighteenth street, Students' League Is Coming Here A group from the nationally known Students' League of Many Nations will appear 111 a program at the Third Baptist church at 7:45 p.

m. today. Fourteen persons will participate in the program under the direction of Dr. A. Patterson the direction of Dr.

A. Patterson and Mrs. Patterson, who have had charge of services on two previous appearances of the League in Owensboro. Each member of the league represents a different nationality. They will wear the costumes of their native countries and will speak or sing in their native language with not too successful, the play had a long run in Chicago.

New York liked him better when he returned to Broadway in the Edgar Selwyn play, "Rolling Stones." Next followed one hundred weeks in the Oliver Morosco musical comedy hit, "Canary Cottage." Eddie Cantor was a member of the original cast. Ruggles' first screen appearance was in Oliver Morosco Productions in Hollywood. Ironically, at 20th Century-Fox he played a top role in "The Perfect Snob," which was produced by Walter Morosco, son of the famous movie pioneer. In addition to his hobby raising oranges, chickens and dogs Charlie has made a name for himself in the sports world as one of the country's outstanding handball players. For several years he held the handball championship of the Los Angeles Athletic Club.

He held a similar title at New York A. C. and ranked in the top flight of players in several national tournaments. Ruggles is 5 feet 6, weighs 145 pounds, has light grey eyes and light brown nair generously sprinkled with grey. His brother, Wesley, is one of Hollywood's top directors.

Pictures in which he has appeared include: Gentlemen of the Press, The Lady Lies, Roadhouse Nights, Young Man of Manhattan, The Smiling Lieutenant, If I Had a Million, Her Wedding Night, Charley's Aunt, 70,000 Witnesses, Alice in Wonderland, Melody Cruise, Melody in Spring, Murder in the Private Car, Friends of Mr. Sweeney, Six of a Kind, Fursuit of Happiness, Ruggles of Red Gap, Big Broadcast of 1936, People Will Talk, No More Ladies, Anything Goes. Early to Bed, Wives Never Know, Mind Your Own Business, Hearts Divided, Turn Off the Moon, Exclusive, Bringing Up Baby, Service De Luxe, His Exciting Night, Yes My Darling Daughter, Boy Trouble, Sudden Money, Invitation to Happiness, Night Work, Balalaika, The Farmer's Daughter, Opened Dy Mistake, Maryland, Public Deb. No. 1, No Time for Comedy, The Invisible Woman, Honeymoon for Three, The Perfect Snob, Dixie Dugan, and Friendly Enemies.

Oopkinsville, was notified. BUSIEST ACTOR When Porter Hall reported at Par the visit of the "Bond Battalion" here. The only public appearances to be made by the party will be at the banquet and at two or three war plants. No theatre appearances will be allowed and only purchasers of $1,000 bonds will be eligible to attend the bond banquet. Charlie Ruggles, who headlines the "Bond Battalion," is one of those unpredictable fellows who always does the unexpected.

His family started him out to be a doctor and he turned out to be an actor. Recently he bought acreage in San Fernando Valley, prepared to raise oranges and cnickens. Now his ranch is one of the largest dog kennels in the Los Angeles area. Ruggles is a native son of California, his birthplace being Los Angeles, which makes him somewhat of a rarity in the film colony. His father, a wholesale druggist, directed Charlie's steps toward a medical career.

Mostly, he studied chemistry. In his spare time he worked in nis father's company. Then one day an acquaintance painted a glowing picture of life behind the iootlights. Charlie was 15 at the time. He set out for San Francisco, determined to find out if his friend was correct.

Surprisingly enough, he obtained a small role in Barrie's "The Admirable Crichton." Following this. Ruggles played in stock in San Francisco and Los Angeles and toured California with road companies. For eight years he played old men and character roles before he donned the makeup of a stage juvenile. In stock at Los Angeles' old Be-lasco Theatre, Ruggles appeared with a number of stage folk who later won fame on the screen. Among them were Hobart Bosworth, who was stage director; Herbert Rawlin-son, then assistant stage manager; Lewis Stone, Leonore Ulric and Victor Schertzinger.

Later, he joined the Oliver Mo-rosco forces and made his first New York appearance in "Help Wanted." Although the Broadway venture was amount to start work in "Standing Room Only," comedy co-starring Paulette Goddard and Fred Mac Murray, it marked his fifth featured role in as many months and as There's a vast variety of styles, colors, fabrics and sizes in this clearance. Not all colors in every size, of course, but the values are exceptional. MORTUARY Men, Women! Old or Young! Need Pep? Want New Vim and Vitality? Thousands of 30. 40, 50. 60 feel wea; worn-ou3 exhausted, rundown, old; lacking In pep, Tim.

vitality; solely because body la deficient In Iron. If that your trouble try Ostrei Tonic Tablet. Bern why thousands of Iron-poor men, women are amazed to feel peppier, years younger, with new Tltallty. Supplies real medicinal doses or Iron, 2 TIMES minimum dally nutritional requirement! Also vitamin Bi. TWICE minimum dally nutritional requirement; plus minimum supplement calcium.

Good news! 35c. Introductory size Ostrei only 20cl At drug stores everywhere In Owensboro at Weir's Drug and Walgreen's. Advertisem*nt 100 50 Andrew Jackson C'arden Andrew Jackson Carden, 89, died at the Oweasboro-Daviess County hospital at 3 a. m. Wednesday.

Surviving are the following step-children: Mrs. William Staples, Mrs. Lon Mercer. Rock Island, Mrs. H.

L. Woodwaid, Pasadena, Mrs. Ed Bowman, Troy. Lee Martin. Moline, 111., and Fred Martin, East dt.

Louis, also several nieces and nephews. The body was removed to trie Owensboro Funeral home where sei vices will be held at 3 p. ra. today, the Rev. Paul Bryant officiating- Burial will be in Elm-wood cemetery.

1 i Overcoats I City Attorney Challenges Utility Commission Action ft Continued from Page One) advise them and to pay for his services out oi the city funds, because it is the duty of the city attorney to advise the legislative body, its members and all other city officials in all matters pertaining to their duties, or affecting the interests of the city." Advised of the opinion of the Attorney General's office, Mr. Kirt- James William Dart Providence James William Dart, 56, died Monday night at his home here. Surviving are his wife, Macy; three daughters, Mrs. Truman Wade and Mrs. Ruby Gary of Providence and Miss Alice Dart, at home; two sons, James of Utah and Odis, at two brothers, George of Providence and Jehn of Evansville; and a sister, Miss Emma Dart, Providence.

Funeral services were held at 1 p. m. Wednesday at the General Baptist church, Rev. Ed Oakley officiating. Burial was in Shady Grove cemetery in Crittenden county.

HELP WANTED The Personnel Council of Kentucky announces merit examinations for positions in Social Security Agencies in various sections of Kentucky. The following are needed: Field Workers, Clerks, Clerk-Typists, Clerk-Stenographers, Child Welfare Workers, Statistical Clerks, Informational Draftsmen. Write now for details and application blanks which must be filled in and mailed not later than January 24. Address: Patrick M. Payne, Personnel Examination Supervisor, Frankfort, Kentucky.

Men, get one of these fine overcoats. They will last for many winters. Any color and material that you want. VALUES TO $35.00 Hart, Schaffner and Marx and Rockingham suits in single and double breasted. VALUES TO $45.00 paid over to the city more than a half million dollars." The opinion from the office of the Attorney General on the employment of an attorney, rendered by Dennis B.

Wooton, Assistant Attorney General, was as follows: "Section 96.530 KRS provides for a City Utility Commission for cities of the third class, and sets out its duties and powers. "Section 69.480 KRS provides for a city attorney in cities of the third class, and Section 69.40 KRS sets out his duties. "I am of the opinion that a City Utility Commission of a city of the third class does not have power and authority to appoint an attorney to t'i 1 Si ft 3 St BI in v. I 8 a A i 1 BACK IN GRANDMA'S DAY colds often called for medicated mutton Buet as a "home remedy" to comfort muscle aches, coughing. Today, it's for Penetro, modern medication in a base containing mutton suet.

Penetro's double action relieves these miseries (1) vaporizes to soothe stuffy nose (2) acts like warming plaster right where rubbed on. 23c Double supply, 35c. Get Penetro. 1 Virginia Ann Vetter Virginia Ami Vetter, two-weeks-old infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Frankie Vetter, 530 Hathaway street, died at the home of Her parents, at 3 p.m. Wednesday. Surviving are the parents, a brother, Joseph Vetter, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vetter and Mr.

and 50 50 50 1 I 32 27 17 and and I i Mrs. Elvis Smith. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. today from the residence, with the Rev. Rice Gregory, of Sorgho, officiating.

Burial will be in Rose Hill cemetery. VALU i Slight Charge for Alterations G. D. Payne At Firestone Si: G. D.

(Doug) Payne, 85, died at his home south of Owensboro at 11:30 p. m. Sunday after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held Wednesday in the St. Anthony's church, Brown's Valley, the Rev.

Anthony Higdon officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. John XV. McCallister SIZES 34 35 36 37 39 40 42 44 1 46 Regulars 2 7 6 6 11 12 15 7 7 3 Longs 1 2 I 2 2 3 1 Shorts 1 2 2 2 1 Stouts 2 2 1 i Cannelton, Ind. John W.

McCal lister, 71, died ax a.m. Tuesday at his home on highway 237 after a long illness. Surviving are fcur daughters, Mrs. Price Bolin, Mrs. Stella Huff, Mrs.

Rachael Poehlein and Miss Almada McCallister; three sons, Charles, John and Lester McCallister of Perry county; a brother, Eli McCallister of Evansville; fourteen grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday afternoon at Chestnut Grove cemetery, the Rev. G.

E. Andrews of Cannelton ofiiciating. Let us IE IE A IP Your Smooth Tires Size 6.00-1 6 Other sixes proportionately low. More uMMp That Gives Thousands of Miles or Extra Mileage them recapped now, if necessary, riaSy for your next tire inspection. i One Group Of 1 MEN'S REVERSIBLE Work Mens Felt Hats Mrs.

Delia Southworth Earlington Mrs. Delia South-worth, 84. a native of Tennessee who had resided in Earlington 42 years, died at her home here Tuesday. She is survived by a son. Brick Southworth.

Earlington. Funeral services will be held at the home at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Rev. M. J.

Dick, of the Earlington Christian church, of which she was a member, officiating. Rev. Dick will be assisted by Rev. W. H.

Russell of the Earlington Methodist church. Burial will be in Odd Fellows cemetery at NO RATIONING CERTIFICATE REQUIRED TO RECAP ANY TYPE TIRE Jackets A i II 8 i i Tinston $1 98 098 and L-7 HOME INSULATION ijispo in $5.50 Value $3.50 to $10 Values If- Z7Vi Sq. Ft. Roll Saves Up to 30 in Fuel Costs! In loyal support of our Fighting Men we must pledge ourselves to buy more WAR BONDS during the 4th Bond Drive. Let's ALL Back the Attack With More Bonds I i I 9 0n Coat Cows I Is I Washes Easily Thin with water and brush I 'or roll it on.

Beautiful color 1 selection, so easy to use I 'Master Firo-Rasistantl Vtrmlnprooft Watr-Rpolhnt Easy to Install As long as your house stands, Partamp will pay dividends in fuel saved every winter and in protection against heat In summer. FREE ESTIMATE 0333 26 Rolls RoqvlnJ for tho Avorago Size Hovto TESTED This scientific instrument tells us what's wrong when you bring your watch in. and it tells you it's right when you away. Faster, more economical repairs, with printed prool of accuracy. ONLY FACTORY METHODS USED LOWEST PRICES WEIR'S for Jewelry El 1 8.

W. AKDEKSON COM? ANT, Jnoorportted II Store 2nd Allen Service 1 3rd Bolivar 1 1.

The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.